Comment la pandémie a inspiré un entrepreneur néerlandais à fabriquer le hamburger le plus cher du monde
La pandémie de Covid-19 a bouleversé de nombreuses économies et entreprises dans le monde. Cependant, cela a incité le propriétaire de restaurant néerlandais Robbert Jan de Veen à créer le hamburger le plus cher du monde – et à reverser les bénéfices à une œuvre caritative.
Nommé « The Golden Boy », le hamburger a été vendu pour 5 000 € (5 964 $) le 28 juin au conglomérat d’affaires basé aux Pays-Bas Remia International et a été mangé par Rober Willemse, président de la Royal Dutch Food and Beverage Association.
Battre un record du monde a été un rêve d’enfance pour moi et c’est incroyable
Le hamburger était empilé avec une gamme d’ingrédients coûteux, notamment du bœuf Wagyu japonais, du caviar Beluga, du crabe royal d’Alaska et de la truffe blanche, tandis que le petit pain était recouvert de feuilles d’or comestibles.
M. Veen a fait don du produit de la vente à une organisation à but non lucratif qui aide les banques alimentaires aux Pays-Bas. Le don de 5 000 € aidera l’association à acheter près de 1 000 colis alimentaires pour les personnes dans le besoin, a déclaré M. Veen.
«Les restaurants étaient fermés et il n’y avait pas de compétitions alimentaires en raison de la pandémie. Même si notre service de plats à emporter était activé, j’étais déprimé. Je me sentais mal en voyant les souffrances des masses et la situation lamentable de l’industrie de la restauration », a déclaré à The National M. Veen, 33 ans, propriétaire du restaurant De Daltons dans le village de Voorthuizen, dans la province néerlandaise de Gueldre.
« Par conséquent, j’ai décidé de créer le hamburger le plus cher du monde et de reverser l’intégralité des revenus à une œuvre caritative pour faire le bien à la société. »
M. Veen a effectué des recherches dans les archives du Guinness World Records et a découvert que le record actuel du hamburger le plus cher avait été établi en 2011 par un restaurant de l’Oregon, aux États-Unis.
« Ce hamburger avait un prix de 4 200 € et pesait 352,4 kg … ce n’est certainement pas pour une personne … alors j’ai pensé que je pouvais faire mieux que cela … c’était vraiment un défi de créer un plat aussi cher pour une seule personne », a déclaré M. dit Veen.
Il lui a fallu plus de cinq mois pour finaliser les ingrédients et expérimenter diverses recettes. Le dernier jour, il lui a fallu près de neuf heures pour préparer le hamburger.
Manger The Golden Boy est une expérience unique, a déclaré M. Veen.
« Les ingrédients se complètent très bien et les saveurs sont intenses. Même si ce hamburger est extrêmement coûteux, vous devez toujours utiliser vos mains car c’est la seule façon de manger un hamburger. Étant donné que le chignon est recouvert de feuilles d’or, vos doigts seront dorés au moment où vous aurez terminé.
La tentative de record du monde de M. Veen est actuellement examinée par l’Association officielle des records du monde, basée à Barcelone, qui enregistre les records du monde.
« Battre un record du monde a été un rêve d’enfance pour moi et c’est incroyable. Ce fut une année difficile avec Covid, mais de bons moments sont à venir pour l’ensemble de l’industrie hôtelière et c’est un bon début », a déclaré M. Veen.
M. Veen, qui dirige le restaurant créé par ses parents il y a 30 ans, est maintenant à la recherche d’un deuxième acheteur pour The Golden Boy.
« Je suis prêt à partir … je le préparerai dès que j’aurai le deuxième acheteur potentiel », a-t-il ajouté.
Les ingrédients du Golden Boy :
- Côtes courtes de poitrine de bœuf Wagyu A5 japonaise et de paleron
- Crabe royal
- Rondelles d’oignons au champagne Dom Pérignon
- Jambon Paleta Iberico Bellota
- Truffe blanche
- Caviar de béluga
- Mayonnaise au safran fumé et ciboulette à base d’œufs de canard
- Sauce barbecue à base de café Kopi Luwak
- Cheddar à la truffe anglais Wyke Fams
- Tomates tigrées et concombre
- Pain à la feuille d’or au champagne Dom Pérignon et au safran
Mise à jour : 4 juillet 2021, 06h50
Liverpool 4 Brighton et Hove Albion 0Liverpool : Salah (26′), Lovren (40′), Solanke (53′), Robertson (85′)
Liverpool 4 Brighton et Hove Albion 0Liverpool : Salah (26′), Lovren (40′), Solanke (53′), Robertson (85′)
Liverpool 4 Brighton et Hove Albion 0Liverpool : Salah (26′), Lovren (40′), Solanke (53′), Robertson (85′)
Liverpool 4 Brighton et Hove Albion 0Liverpool : Salah (26′), Lovren (40′), Solanke (53′), Robertson (85′)
Liverpool 4 Brighton et Hove Albion 0Liverpool : Salah (26′), Lovren (40′), Solanke (53′), Robertson (85′)
Liverpool 4 Brighton et Hove Albion 0Liverpool : Salah (26′), Lovren (40′), Solanke (53′), Robertson (85′)
Liverpool 4 Brighton et Hove Albion 0Liverpool : Salah (26′), Lovren (40′), Solanke (53′), Robertson (85′)
Liverpool 4 Brighton et Hove Albion 0Liverpool : Salah (26′), Lovren (40′), Solanke (53′), Robertson (85′)
Liverpool 4 Brighton et Hove Albion 0Liverpool : Salah (26′), Lovren (40′), Solanke (53′), Robertson (85′)
Liverpool 4 Brighton et Hove Albion 0Liverpool : Salah (26′), Lovren (40′), Solanke (53′), Robertson (85′)
Liverpool 4 Brighton et Hove Albion 0Liverpool : Salah (26′), Lovren (40′), Solanke (53′), Robertson (85′)
Liverpool 4 Brighton et Hove Albion 0Liverpool : Salah (26′), Lovren (40′), Solanke (53′), Robertson (85′)
Liverpool 4 Brighton et Hove Albion 0Liverpool : Salah (26′), Lovren (40′), Solanke (53′), Robertson (85′)
Liverpool 4 Brighton et Hove Albion 0Liverpool : Salah (26′), Lovren (40′), Solanke (53′), Robertson (85′)
Liverpool 4 Brighton et Hove Albion 0Liverpool : Salah (26′), Lovren (40′), Solanke (53′), Robertson (85′)
Liverpool 4 Brighton et Hove Albion 0Liverpool : Salah (26′), Lovren (40′), Solanke (53′), Robertson (85′)
Ce que signifie être un écologiste
Qui est Enric Sala ?
Enric Sala est un expert en conservation marine et est actuellement l’explorateur en résidence de la National Geographic Society. Son amour de la mer a commencé avec son enfance en Espagne, inspiré par l’exemple du légendaire plongeur Jacques Cousteau. Il a été professeur universitaire d’océanographie aux États-Unis, a travaillé au Conseil national espagnol pour la recherche scientifique et est membre du Global Future Council on Biodiversity and the Bio-Economy du Forum économique mondial. Il a consacré sa vie à protéger la vie dans les océans. Enric se décrit comme un flexitarien qui ne mange de la viande qu’occasionnellement.
Qu’est-ce que la biodiversité ?
Selon le Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement, toute vie sur terre – y compris dans ses forêts et ses océans – forme une « riche tapisserie de forces interconnectées et interdépendantes ». La biodiversité sur terre aujourd’hui est le produit de quatre milliards d’années d’évolution et se compose de plusieurs millions d’espèces biologiques distinctes. Le terme « biodiversité » est relativement nouveau, popularisé depuis les années 1980 et coïncide avec une compréhension des menaces croissantes pour le monde naturel, notamment la perte d’habitat, la pollution et le changement climatique. La perte de biodiversité elle-même est dangereuse car elle contribue à des débits d’eau propres et constants, à la sécurité alimentaire, à la protection contre les inondations et les tempêtes et à un climat stable. Le monde naturel peut être un allié dans la lutte contre le changement climatique mondial mais pour ce faire, il doit être protégé. Les nations s’efforcent d’atteindre cet objectif, notamment en fixant des objectifs à atteindre d’ici 2020 pour la protection de l’état naturel de 17 % des terres et de 10 % des océans. Cependant, ceux-ci sont bien en deçà de ce qui est nécessaire, selon les experts, la moitié des terres devant être dans un état naturel pour aider à éviter une catastrophe.
Ce que signifie être un écologiste
Qui est Enric Sala ?
Enric Sala est un expert en conservation marine et est actuellement l’explorateur en résidence de la National Geographic Society. Son amour de la mer a commencé avec son enfance en Espagne, inspiré par l’exemple du légendaire plongeur Jacques Cousteau. Il a été professeur universitaire d’océanographie aux États-Unis, a travaillé au Conseil national espagnol pour la recherche scientifique et est membre du Global Future Council on Biodiversity and the Bio-Economy du Forum économique mondial. Il a consacré sa vie à protéger la vie dans les océans. Enric se décrit comme un flexitarien qui ne mange de la viande qu’occasionnellement.
Qu’est-ce que la biodiversité ?
Selon le Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement, toute vie sur terre – y compris dans ses forêts et ses océans – forme une « riche tapisserie de forces interconnectées et interdépendantes ». La biodiversité sur terre aujourd’hui est le produit de quatre milliards d’années d’évolution et se compose de plusieurs millions d’espèces biologiques distinctes. Le terme « biodiversité » est relativement nouveau, popularisé depuis les années 1980 et coïncide avec une compréhension des menaces croissantes pour le monde naturel, notamment la perte d’habitat, la pollution et le changement climatique. La perte de biodiversité elle-même est dangereuse car elle contribue à des débits d’eau propres et constants, à la sécurité alimentaire, à la protection contre les inondations et les tempêtes et à un climat stable. Le monde naturel peut être un allié dans la lutte contre le changement climatique mondial mais pour ce faire, il doit être protégé. Les nations s’efforcent d’atteindre cet objectif, notamment en fixant des objectifs à atteindre d’ici 2020 pour la protection de l’état naturel de 17 % des terres et de 10 % des océans. Cependant, ceux-ci sont bien en deçà de ce qui est nécessaire, selon les experts, la moitié des terres devant être dans un état naturel pour aider à éviter une catastrophe.
Ce que signifie être un écologiste
Qui est Enric Sala ?
Enric Sala est un expert en conservation marine et est actuellement l’explorateur en résidence de la National Geographic Society. Son amour de la mer a commencé avec son enfance en Espagne, inspiré par l’exemple du légendaire plongeur Jacques Cousteau. Il a été professeur universitaire d’océanographie aux États-Unis, a travaillé au Conseil national espagnol pour la recherche scientifique et est membre du Global Future Council on Biodiversity and the Bio-Economy du Forum économique mondial. Il a consacré sa vie à protéger la vie dans les océans. Enric se décrit comme un flexitarien qui ne mange de la viande qu’occasionnellement.
Qu’est-ce que la biodiversité ?
Selon le Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement, toute vie sur terre – y compris dans ses forêts et ses océans – forme une « riche tapisserie de forces interconnectées et interdépendantes ». La biodiversité sur terre aujourd’hui est le produit de quatre milliards d’années d’évolution et se compose de plusieurs millions d’espèces biologiques distinctes. Le terme « biodiversité » est relativement nouveau, popularisé depuis les années 1980 et coïncide avec une compréhension des menaces croissantes pour le monde naturel, notamment la perte d’habitat, la pollution et le changement climatique. La perte de biodiversité elle-même est dangereuse car elle contribue à des débits d’eau propres et constants, à la sécurité alimentaire, à la protection contre les inondations et les tempêtes et à un climat stable. Le monde naturel peut être un allié dans la lutte contre le changement climatique mondial mais pour ce faire, il doit être protégé. Les nations s’efforcent d’atteindre cet objectif, notamment en fixant des objectifs à atteindre d’ici 2020 pour la protection de l’état naturel de 17 % des terres et de 10 % des océans. Cependant, ceux-ci sont bien en deçà de ce qui est nécessaire, selon les experts, la moitié des terres devant être dans un état naturel pour aider à éviter une catastrophe.
Ce que signifie être un écologiste
Qui est Enric Sala ?
Enric Sala est un expert en conservation marine et est actuellement l’explorateur en résidence de la National Geographic Society. Son amour de la mer a commencé avec son enfance en Espagne, inspiré par l’exemple du légendaire plongeur Jacques Cousteau. Il a été professeur universitaire d’océanographie aux États-Unis, a travaillé au Conseil national espagnol pour la recherche scientifique et est membre du Global Future Council on Biodiversity and the Bio-Economy du Forum économique mondial. Il a consacré sa vie à protéger la vie dans les océans. Enric se décrit comme un flexitarien qui ne mange de la viande qu’occasionnellement.
Qu’est-ce que la biodiversité ?
Selon le Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement, toute vie sur terre – y compris dans ses forêts et ses océans – forme une « riche tapisserie de forces interconnectées et interdépendantes ». La biodiversité sur terre aujourd’hui est le produit de quatre milliards d’années d’évolution et se compose de plusieurs millions d’espèces biologiques distinctes. Le terme « biodiversité » est relativement nouveau, popularisé depuis les années 1980 et coïncide avec une compréhension des menaces croissantes pour le monde naturel, notamment la perte d’habitat, la pollution et le changement climatique. La perte de biodiversité elle-même est dangereuse car elle contribue à des débits d’eau propres et constants, à la sécurité alimentaire, à la protection contre les inondations et les tempêtes et à un climat stable. Le monde naturel peut être un allié dans la lutte contre le changement climatique mondial mais pour ce faire, il doit être protégé. Les nations s’efforcent d’atteindre cet objectif, notamment en fixant des objectifs à atteindre d’ici 2020 pour la protection de l’état naturel de 17 % des terres et de 10 % des océans. Cependant, ceux-ci sont bien en deçà de ce qui est nécessaire, selon les experts, la moitié des terres devant être dans un état naturel pour aider à éviter une catastrophe.
Ce que signifie être un écologiste
Qui est Enric Sala ?
Enric Sala est un expert en conservation marine et est actuellement l’explorateur en résidence de la National Geographic Society. Son amour de la mer a commencé avec son enfance en Espagne, inspiré par l’exemple du légendaire plongeur Jacques Cousteau. Il a été professeur universitaire d’océanographie aux États-Unis, a travaillé au Conseil national espagnol pour la recherche scientifique et est membre du Global Future Council on Biodiversity and the Bio-Economy du Forum économique mondial. Il a consacré sa vie à protéger la vie dans les océans. Enric se décrit comme un flexitarien qui ne mange de la viande qu’occasionnellement.
Qu’est-ce que la biodiversité ?
Selon le Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement, toute vie sur terre – y compris dans ses forêts et ses océans – forme une « riche tapisserie de forces interconnectées et interdépendantes ». La biodiversité sur terre aujourd’hui est le produit de quatre milliards d’années d’évolution et se compose de plusieurs millions d’espèces biologiques distinctes. Le terme « biodiversité » est relativement nouveau, popularisé depuis les années 1980 et coïncide avec une compréhension des menaces croissantes pour le monde naturel, notamment la perte d’habitat, la pollution et le changement climatique. La perte de biodiversité elle-même est dangereuse car elle contribue à des débits d’eau propres et constants, à la sécurité alimentaire, à la protection contre les inondations et les tempêtes et à un climat stable. Le monde naturel peut être un allié dans la lutte contre le changement climatique mondial mais pour ce faire, il doit être protégé. Les nations s’efforcent d’atteindre cet objectif, notamment en fixant des objectifs à atteindre d’ici 2020 pour la protection de l’état naturel de 17 % des terres et de 10 % des océans. Cependant, ceux-ci sont bien en deçà de ce qui est nécessaire, selon les experts, la moitié des terres devant être dans un état naturel pour aider à éviter une catastrophe.
Ce que signifie être un écologiste
Qui est Enric Sala ?
Enric Sala est un expert en conservation marine et est actuellement l’explorateur en résidence de la National Geographic Society. Son amour de la mer a commencé avec son enfance en Espagne, inspiré par l’exemple du légendaire plongeur Jacques Cousteau. Il a été professeur universitaire d’océanographie aux États-Unis, a travaillé au Conseil national espagnol pour la recherche scientifique et est membre du Global Future Council on Biodiversity and the Bio-Economy du Forum économique mondial. Il a consacré sa vie à protéger la vie dans les océans. Enric se décrit comme un flexitarien qui ne mange de la viande qu’occasionnellement.
Qu’est-ce que la biodiversité ?
Selon le Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement, toute vie sur terre – y compris dans ses forêts et ses océans – forme une « riche tapisserie de forces interconnectées et interdépendantes ». La biodiversité sur terre aujourd’hui est le produit de quatre milliards d’années d’évolution et se compose de plusieurs millions d’espèces biologiques distinctes. Le terme « biodiversité » est relativement nouveau, popularisé depuis les années 1980 et coïncide avec une compréhension des menaces croissantes pour le monde naturel, notamment la perte d’habitat, la pollution et le changement climatique. La perte de biodiversité elle-même est dangereuse car elle contribue à des débits d’eau propres et constants, à la sécurité alimentaire, à la protection contre les inondations et les tempêtes et à un climat stable. Le monde naturel peut être un allié dans la lutte contre le changement climatique mondial mais pour ce faire, il doit être protégé. Les nations s’efforcent d’atteindre cet objectif, notamment en fixant des objectifs à atteindre d’ici 2020 pour la protection de l’état naturel de 17 % des terres et de 10 % des océans. Cependant, ceux-ci sont bien en deçà de ce qui est nécessaire, selon les experts, la moitié des terres devant être dans un état naturel pour aider à éviter une catastrophe.
Ce que signifie être un écologiste
Qui est Enric Sala ?
Enric Sala est un expert en conservation marine et est actuellement l’explorateur en résidence de la National Geographic Society. Son amour de la mer a commencé avec son enfance en Espagne, inspiré par l’exemple du légendaire plongeur Jacques Cousteau. Il a été professeur universitaire d’océanographie aux États-Unis, a travaillé au Conseil national espagnol pour la recherche scientifique et est membre du Global Future Council on Biodiversity and the Bio-Economy du Forum économique mondial. Il a consacré sa vie à protéger la vie dans les océans. Enric se décrit comme un flexitarien qui ne mange de la viande qu’occasionnellement.
Qu’est-ce que la biodiversité ?
Selon le Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement, toute vie sur terre – y compris dans ses forêts et ses océans – forme une « riche tapisserie de forces interconnectées et interdépendantes ». La biodiversité sur terre aujourd’hui est le produit de quatre milliards d’années d’évolution et se compose de plusieurs millions d’espèces biologiques distinctes. Le terme « biodiversité » est relativement nouveau, popularisé depuis les années 1980 et coïncide avec une compréhension des menaces croissantes pour le monde naturel, notamment la perte d’habitat, la pollution et le changement climatique. La perte de biodiversité elle-même est dangereuse car elle contribue à des débits d’eau propres et constants, à la sécurité alimentaire, à la protection contre les inondations et les tempêtes et à un climat stable. Le monde naturel peut être un allié dans la lutte contre le changement climatique mondial mais pour ce faire, il doit être protégé. Les nations s’efforcent d’atteindre cet objectif, notamment en fixant des objectifs à atteindre d’ici 2020 pour la protection de l’état naturel de 17 % des terres et de 10 % des océans. Cependant, ceux-ci sont bien en deçà de ce qui est nécessaire, selon les experts, la moitié des terres devant être dans un état naturel pour aider à éviter une catastrophe.
Ce que signifie être un écologiste
Qui est Enric Sala ?
Enric Sala est un expert en conservation marine et est actuellement l’explorateur en résidence de la National Geographic Society. Son amour de la mer a commencé avec son enfance en Espagne, inspiré par l’exemple du légendaire plongeur Jacques Cousteau. Il a été professeur universitaire d’océanographie aux États-Unis, a travaillé au Conseil national espagnol pour la recherche scientifique et est membre du Global Future Council on Biodiversity and the Bio-Economy du Forum économique mondial. Il a consacré sa vie à protéger la vie dans les océans. Enric se décrit comme un flexitarien qui ne mange de la viande qu’occasionnellement.
Qu’est-ce que la biodiversité ?
Selon le Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement, toute vie sur terre – y compris dans ses forêts et ses océans – forme une « riche tapisserie de forces interconnectées et interdépendantes ». La biodiversité sur terre aujourd’hui est le produit de quatre milliards d’années d’évolution et se compose de plusieurs millions d’espèces biologiques distinctes. Le terme « biodiversité » est relativement nouveau, popularisé depuis les années 1980 et coïncide avec une compréhension des menaces croissantes pour le monde naturel, notamment la perte d’habitat, la pollution et le changement climatique. La perte de biodiversité elle-même est dangereuse car elle contribue à des débits d’eau propres et constants, à la sécurité alimentaire, à la protection contre les inondations et les tempêtes et à un climat stable. Le monde naturel peut être un allié dans la lutte contre le changement climatique mondial mais pour ce faire, il doit être protégé. Les nations s’efforcent d’atteindre cet objectif, notamment en fixant des objectifs à atteindre d’ici 2020 pour la protection de l’état naturel de 17 % des terres et de 10 % des océans. Cependant, ceux-ci sont bien en deçà de ce qui est nécessaire, selon les experts, la moitié des terres devant être dans un état naturel pour aider à éviter une catastrophe.
Ce que signifie être un écologiste
Qui est Enric Sala ?
Enric Sala est un expert en conservation marine et est actuellement l’explorateur en résidence de la National Geographic Society. Son amour de la mer a commencé avec son enfance en Espagne, inspiré par l’exemple du légendaire plongeur Jacques Cousteau. Il a été professeur universitaire d’océanographie aux États-Unis, a travaillé au Conseil national espagnol pour la recherche scientifique et est membre du Global Future Council on Biodiversity and the Bio-Economy du Forum économique mondial. Il a consacré sa vie à protéger la vie dans les océans. Enric se décrit comme un flexitarien qui ne mange de la viande qu’occasionnellement.
Qu’est-ce que la biodiversité ?
Selon le Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement, toute vie sur terre – y compris dans ses forêts et ses océans – forme une « riche tapisserie de forces interconnectées et interdépendantes ». La biodiversité sur terre aujourd’hui est le produit de quatre milliards d’années d’évolution et se compose de plusieurs millions d’espèces biologiques distinctes. Le terme « biodiversité » est relativement nouveau, popularisé depuis les années 1980 et coïncide avec une compréhension des menaces croissantes pour le monde naturel, notamment la perte d’habitat, la pollution et le changement climatique. La perte de biodiversité elle-même est dangereuse car elle contribue à des débits d’eau propres et constants, à la sécurité alimentaire, à la protection contre les inondations et les tempêtes et à un climat stable. Le monde naturel peut être un allié dans la lutte contre le changement climatique mondial mais pour ce faire, il doit être protégé. Les nations s’efforcent d’atteindre cet objectif, notamment en fixant des objectifs à atteindre d’ici 2020 pour la protection de l’état naturel de 17 % des terres et de 10 % des océans. Cependant, ceux-ci sont bien en deçà de ce qui est nécessaire, selon les experts, la moitié des terres devant être dans un état naturel pour aider à éviter une catastrophe.
Ce que signifie être un écologiste
Qui est Enric Sala ?
Enric Sala est un expert en conservation marine et est actuellement l’explorateur en résidence de la National Geographic Society. Son amour de la mer a commencé avec son enfance en Espagne, inspiré par l’exemple du légendaire plongeur Jacques Cousteau. Il a été professeur universitaire d’océanographie aux États-Unis, a travaillé au Conseil national espagnol pour la recherche scientifique et est membre du Global Future Council on Biodiversity and the Bio-Economy du Forum économique mondial. Il a consacré sa vie à protéger la vie dans les océans. Enric se décrit comme un flexitarien qui ne mange de la viande qu’occasionnellement.
Qu’est-ce que la biodiversité ?
Selon le Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement, toute vie sur terre – y compris dans ses forêts et ses océans – forme une « riche tapisserie de forces interconnectées et interdépendantes ». La biodiversité sur terre aujourd’hui est le produit de quatre milliards d’années d’évolution et se compose de plusieurs millions d’espèces biologiques distinctes. Le terme « biodiversité » est relativement nouveau, popularisé depuis les années 1980 et coïncide avec une compréhension des menaces croissantes pour le monde naturel, notamment la perte d’habitat, la pollution et le changement climatique. La perte de biodiversité elle-même est dangereuse car elle contribue à des débits d’eau propres et constants, à la sécurité alimentaire, à la protection contre les inondations et les tempêtes et à un climat stable. Le monde naturel peut être un allié dans la lutte contre le changement climatique mondial mais pour ce faire, il doit être protégé. Les nations s’efforcent d’atteindre cet objectif, notamment en fixant des objectifs à atteindre d’ici 2020 pour la protection de l’état naturel de 17 % des terres et de 10 % des océans. Cependant, ceux-ci sont bien en deçà de ce qui est nécessaire, selon les experts, la moitié des terres devant être dans un état naturel pour aider à éviter une catastrophe.
Ce que signifie être un écologiste
Qui est Enric Sala ?
Enric Sala est un expert en conservation marine et est actuellement l’explorateur en résidence de la National Geographic Society. Son amour de la mer a commencé avec son enfance en Espagne, inspiré par l’exemple du légendaire plongeur Jacques Cousteau. Il a été professeur universitaire d’océanographie aux États-Unis, a travaillé au Conseil national espagnol pour la recherche scientifique et est membre du Global Future Council on Biodiversity and the Bio-Economy du Forum économique mondial. Il a consacré sa vie à protéger la vie dans les océans. Enric se décrit comme un flexitarien qui ne mange de la viande qu’occasionnellement.
Qu’est-ce que la biodiversité ?
Selon le Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement, toute vie sur terre – y compris dans ses forêts et ses océans – forme une « riche tapisserie de forces interconnectées et interdépendantes ». La biodiversité sur terre aujourd’hui est le produit de quatre milliards d’années d’évolution et se compose de plusieurs millions d’espèces biologiques distinctes. Le terme « biodiversité » est relativement nouveau, popularisé depuis les années 1980 et coïncide avec une compréhension des menaces croissantes pour le monde naturel, notamment la perte d’habitat, la pollution et le changement climatique. La perte de biodiversité elle-même est dangereuse car elle contribue à des débits d’eau propres et constants, à la sécurité alimentaire, à la protection contre les inondations et les tempêtes et à un climat stable. Le monde naturel peut être un allié dans la lutte contre le changement climatique mondial mais pour ce faire, il doit être protégé. Les nations s’efforcent d’atteindre cet objectif, notamment en fixant des objectifs à atteindre d’ici 2020 pour la protection de l’état naturel de 17 % des terres et de 10 % des océans. Cependant, ceux-ci sont bien en deçà de ce qui est nécessaire, selon les experts, la moitié des terres devant être dans un état naturel pour aider à éviter une catastrophe.
Ce que signifie être un écologiste
Qui est Enric Sala ?
Enric Sala est un expert en conservation marine et est actuellement l’explorateur en résidence de la National Geographic Society. Son amour de la mer a commencé avec son enfance en Espagne, inspiré par l’exemple du légendaire plongeur Jacques Cousteau. Il a été professeur universitaire d’océanographie aux États-Unis, a travaillé au Conseil national espagnol pour la recherche scientifique et est membre du Global Future Council on Biodiversity and the Bio-Economy du Forum économique mondial. Il a consacré sa vie à protéger la vie dans les océans. Enric se décrit comme un flexitarien qui ne mange de la viande qu’occasionnellement.
Qu’est-ce que la biodiversité ?
Selon le Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement, toute vie sur terre – y compris dans ses forêts et ses océans – forme une « riche tapisserie de forces interconnectées et interdépendantes ». La biodiversité sur terre aujourd’hui est le produit de quatre milliards d’années d’évolution et se compose de plusieurs millions d’espèces biologiques distinctes. Le terme « biodiversité » est relativement nouveau, popularisé depuis les années 1980 et coïncide avec une compréhension des menaces croissantes pour le monde naturel, notamment la perte d’habitat, la pollution et le changement climatique. La perte de biodiversité elle-même est dangereuse car elle contribue à des débits d’eau propres et constants, à la sécurité alimentaire, à la protection contre les inondations et les tempêtes et à un climat stable. Le monde naturel peut être un allié dans la lutte contre le changement climatique mondial mais pour ce faire, il doit être protégé. Les nations s’efforcent d’atteindre cet objectif, notamment en fixant des objectifs à atteindre d’ici 2020 pour la protection de l’état naturel de 17 % des terres et de 10 % des océans. Cependant, ceux-ci sont bien en deçà de ce qui est nécessaire, selon les experts, la moitié des terres devant être dans un état naturel pour aider à éviter une catastrophe.
Ce que signifie être un écologiste
Qui est Enric Sala ?
Enric Sala est un expert en conservation marine et est actuellement l’explorateur en résidence de la National Geographic Society. Son amour de la mer a commencé avec son enfance en Espagne, inspiré par l’exemple du légendaire plongeur Jacques Cousteau. Il a été professeur universitaire d’océanographie aux États-Unis, a travaillé au Conseil national espagnol pour la recherche scientifique et est membre du Global Future Council on Biodiversity and the Bio-Economy du Forum économique mondial. Il a consacré sa vie à protéger la vie dans les océans. Enric se décrit comme un flexitarien qui ne mange de la viande qu’occasionnellement.
Qu’est-ce que la biodiversité ?
Selon le Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement, toute vie sur terre – y compris dans ses forêts et ses océans – forme une « riche tapisserie de forces interconnectées et interdépendantes ». La biodiversité sur terre aujourd’hui est le produit de quatre milliards d’années d’évolution et se compose de plusieurs millions d’espèces biologiques distinctes. Le terme « biodiversité » est relativement nouveau, popularisé depuis les années 1980 et coïncide avec une compréhension des menaces croissantes pour le monde naturel, notamment la perte d’habitat, la pollution et le changement climatique. La perte de biodiversité elle-même est dangereuse car elle contribue à des débits d’eau propres et constants, à la sécurité alimentaire, à la protection contre les inondations et les tempêtes et à un climat stable. Le monde naturel peut être un allié dans la lutte contre le changement climatique mondial mais pour ce faire, il doit être protégé. Les nations s’efforcent d’atteindre cet objectif, notamment en fixant des objectifs à atteindre d’ici 2020 pour la protection de l’état naturel de 17 % des terres et de 10 % des océans. Cependant, ceux-ci sont bien en deçà de ce qui est nécessaire, selon les experts, la moitié des terres devant être dans un état naturel pour aider à éviter une catastrophe.
Ce que signifie être un écologiste
Qui est Enric Sala ?
Enric Sala est un expert en conservation marine et est actuellement l’explorateur en résidence de la National Geographic Society. Son amour de la mer a commencé avec son enfance en Espagne, inspiré par l’exemple du légendaire plongeur Jacques Cousteau. Il a été professeur universitaire d’océanographie aux États-Unis, a travaillé au Conseil national espagnol pour la recherche scientifique et est membre du Global Future Council on Biodiversity and the Bio-Economy du Forum économique mondial. Il a consacré sa vie à protéger la vie dans les océans. Enric se décrit comme un flexitarien qui ne mange de la viande qu’occasionnellement.
Qu’est-ce que la biodiversité ?
Selon le Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement, toute vie sur terre – y compris dans ses forêts et ses océans – forme une « riche tapisserie de forces interconnectées et interdépendantes ». La biodiversité sur terre aujourd’hui est le produit de quatre milliards d’années d’évolution et se compose de plusieurs millions d’espèces biologiques distinctes. The term ‘biodiversity’ is relatively new, popularised since the 1980s and coinciding with an understanding of the growing threats to the natural world including habitat loss, pollution and climate change. The loss of biodiversity itself is dangerous because it contributes to clean, consistent water flows, food security, protection from floods and storms and a stable climate. The natural world can be an ally in combating global climate change but to do so it must be protected. Nations are working to achieve this, including setting targets to be reached by 2020 for the protection of the natural state of 17 per cent of the land and 10 per cent of the oceans. However, these are well short of what is needed, according to experts, with half the land needed to be in a natural state to help avert disaster.
What it means to be a conservationist
Who is Enric Sala?
Enric Sala is an expert on marine conservation and is currently the National Geographic Society’s Explorer-in-Residence. His love of the sea started with his childhood in Spain, inspired by the example of the legendary diver Jacques Cousteau. He has been a university professor of Oceanography in the US, as well as working at the Spanish National Council for Scientific Research and is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Biodiversity and the Bio-Economy. He has dedicated his life to protecting life in the oceans. Enric describes himself as a flexitarian who only eats meat occasionally.
What is biodiversity?
According to the United Nations Environment Programme, all life on earth – including in its forests and oceans – forms a “rich tapestry of interconnecting and interdependent forces”. Biodiversity on earth today is the product of four billion years of evolution and consists of many millions of distinct biological species. The term ‘biodiversity’ is relatively new, popularised since the 1980s and coinciding with an understanding of the growing threats to the natural world including habitat loss, pollution and climate change. The loss of biodiversity itself is dangerous because it contributes to clean, consistent water flows, food security, protection from floods and storms and a stable climate. The natural world can be an ally in combating global climate change but to do so it must be protected. Nations are working to achieve this, including setting targets to be reached by 2020 for the protection of the natural state of 17 per cent of the land and 10 per cent of the oceans. However, these are well short of what is needed, according to experts, with half the land needed to be in a natural state to help avert disaster.
What it means to be a conservationist
Who is Enric Sala?
Enric Sala is an expert on marine conservation and is currently the National Geographic Society’s Explorer-in-Residence. His love of the sea started with his childhood in Spain, inspired by the example of the legendary diver Jacques Cousteau. He has been a university professor of Oceanography in the US, as well as working at the Spanish National Council for Scientific Research and is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Biodiversity and the Bio-Economy. He has dedicated his life to protecting life in the oceans. Enric describes himself as a flexitarian who only eats meat occasionally.
What is biodiversity?
According to the United Nations Environment Programme, all life on earth – including in its forests and oceans – forms a “rich tapestry of interconnecting and interdependent forces”. Biodiversity on earth today is the product of four billion years of evolution and consists of many millions of distinct biological species. The term ‘biodiversity’ is relatively new, popularised since the 1980s and coinciding with an understanding of the growing threats to the natural world including habitat loss, pollution and climate change. The loss of biodiversity itself is dangerous because it contributes to clean, consistent water flows, food security, protection from floods and storms and a stable climate. The natural world can be an ally in combating global climate change but to do so it must be protected. Nations are working to achieve this, including setting targets to be reached by 2020 for the protection of the natural state of 17 per cent of the land and 10 per cent of the oceans. However, these are well short of what is needed, according to experts, with half the land needed to be in a natural state to help avert disaster.
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The five pillars of Islam
The five pillars of Islam
The five pillars of Islam
The five pillars of Islam
The five pillars of Islam
The five pillars of Islam
The five pillars of Islam
The five pillars of Islam
The five pillars of Islam
The five pillars of Islam
The five pillars of Islam
The five pillars of Islam
The five pillars of Islam
The five pillars of Islam
The five pillars of Islam
Les spécifications
Moteur: 2.9-litre twin-turbo V6
Pouvoir: 540hp at 6,500rpm
Couple : 600Nm at 2,500rpm
Transmission: Eight-speed auto
Kerb weight: 1580kg
Prix: From Dh750k
On sale: via special order
Les spécifications
Moteur: 2.9-litre twin-turbo V6
Pouvoir: 540hp at 6,500rpm
Couple : 600Nm at 2,500rpm
Transmission: Eight-speed auto
Kerb weight: 1580kg
Prix: From Dh750k
On sale: via special order
Les spécifications
Moteur: 2.9-litre twin-turbo V6
Pouvoir: 540hp at 6,500rpm
Couple : 600Nm at 2,500rpm
Transmission: Eight-speed auto
Kerb weight: 1580kg
Prix: From Dh750k
On sale: via special order
Les spécifications
Moteur: 2.9-litre twin-turbo V6
Pouvoir: 540hp at 6,500rpm
Couple : 600Nm at 2,500rpm
Transmission: Eight-speed auto
Kerb weight: 1580kg
Prix: From Dh750k
On sale: via special order
Les spécifications
Moteur: 2.9-litre twin-turbo V6
Pouvoir: 540hp at 6,500rpm
Couple : 600Nm at 2,500rpm
Transmission: Eight-speed auto
Kerb weight: 1580kg
Prix: From Dh750k
On sale: via special order
Les spécifications
Moteur: 2.9-litre twin-turbo V6
Pouvoir: 540hp at 6,500rpm
Couple : 600Nm at 2,500rpm
Transmission: Eight-speed auto
Kerb weight: 1580kg
Prix: From Dh750k
On sale: via special order
Les spécifications
Moteur: 2.9-litre twin-turbo V6
Pouvoir: 540hp at 6,500rpm
Couple : 600Nm at 2,500rpm
Transmission: Eight-speed auto
Kerb weight: 1580kg
Prix: From Dh750k
On sale: via special order
Les spécifications
Moteur: 2.9-litre twin-turbo V6
Pouvoir: 540hp at 6,500rpm
Couple : 600Nm at 2,500rpm
Transmission: Eight-speed auto
Kerb weight: 1580kg
Prix: From Dh750k
On sale: via special order
Les spécifications
Moteur: 2.9-litre twin-turbo V6
Pouvoir: 540hp at 6,500rpm
Couple : 600Nm at 2,500rpm
Transmission: Eight-speed auto
Kerb weight: 1580kg
Prix: From Dh750k
On sale: via special order
Les spécifications
Moteur: 2.9-litre twin-turbo V6
Pouvoir: 540hp at 6,500rpm
Couple : 600Nm at 2,500rpm
Transmission: Eight-speed auto
Kerb weight: 1580kg
Prix: From Dh750k
On sale: via special order
Les spécifications
Moteur: 2.9-litre twin-turbo V6
Pouvoir: 540hp at 6,500rpm
Couple : 600Nm at 2,500rpm
Transmission: Eight-speed auto
Kerb weight: 1580kg
Prix: From Dh750k
On sale: via special order
Les spécifications
Moteur: 2.9-litre twin-turbo V6
Pouvoir: 540hp at 6,500rpm
Couple : 600Nm at 2,500rpm
Transmission: Eight-speed auto
Kerb weight: 1580kg
Prix: From Dh750k
On sale: via special order
Les spécifications
Moteur: 2.9-litre twin-turbo V6
Pouvoir: 540hp at 6,500rpm
Couple : 600Nm at 2,500rpm
Transmission: Eight-speed auto
Kerb weight: 1580kg
Prix: From Dh750k
On sale: via special order
Les spécifications
Moteur: 2.9-litre twin-turbo V6
Pouvoir: 540hp at 6,500rpm
Couple : 600Nm at 2,500rpm
Transmission: Eight-speed auto
Kerb weight: 1580kg
Prix: From Dh750k
On sale: via special order
Les spécifications
Moteur: 2.9-litre twin-turbo V6
Pouvoir: 540hp at 6,500rpm
Couple : 600Nm at 2,500rpm
Transmission: Eight-speed auto
Kerb weight: 1580kg
Prix: From Dh750k
On sale: via special order
Les spécifications
Moteur: 2.9-litre twin-turbo V6
Pouvoir: 540hp at 6,500rpm
Couple : 600Nm at 2,500rpm
Transmission: Eight-speed auto
Kerb weight: 1580kg
Prix: From Dh750k
On sale: via special order
Engine: 2.0-litre 4-cylinder turbo
Power: 275hp at 6,600rpm
Torque: 353Nm from 1,450-4,700rpm
Transmission: 8-speed dual-clutch auto
Top speed: 250kph
Fuel consumption: 6.8L/100km
On sale: Now
Price: Dh146,999
Engine: 2.0-litre 4-cylinder turbo
Power: 275hp at 6,600rpm
Torque: 353Nm from 1,450-4,700rpm
Transmission: 8-speed dual-clutch auto
Top speed: 250kph
Fuel consumption: 6.8L/100km
On sale: Now
Price: Dh146,999
Engine: 2.0-litre 4-cylinder turbo
Power: 275hp at 6,600rpm
Torque: 353Nm from 1,450-4,700rpm
Transmission: 8-speed dual-clutch auto
Top speed: 250kph
Fuel consumption: 6.8L/100km
On sale: Now
Price: Dh146,999
Engine: 2.0-litre 4-cylinder turbo
Power: 275hp at 6,600rpm
Torque: 353Nm from 1,450-4,700rpm
Transmission: 8-speed dual-clutch auto
Top speed: 250kph
Fuel consumption: 6.8L/100km
On sale: Now
Price: Dh146,999
Engine: 2.0-litre 4-cylinder turbo
Power: 275hp at 6,600rpm
Torque: 353Nm from 1,450-4,700rpm
Transmission: 8-speed dual-clutch auto
Top speed: 250kph
Fuel consumption: 6.8L/100km
On sale: Now
Price: Dh146,999
Engine: 2.0-litre 4-cylinder turbo
Power: 275hp at 6,600rpm
Torque: 353Nm from 1,450-4,700rpm
Transmission: 8-speed dual-clutch auto
Top speed: 250kph
Fuel consumption: 6.8L/100km
On sale: Now
Price: Dh146,999
Engine: 2.0-litre 4-cylinder turbo
Power: 275hp at 6,600rpm
Torque: 353Nm from 1,450-4,700rpm
Transmission: 8-speed dual-clutch auto
Top speed: 250kph
Fuel consumption: 6.8L/100km
On sale: Now
Price: Dh146,999
Engine: 2.0-litre 4-cylinder turbo
Power: 275hp at 6,600rpm
Torque: 353Nm from 1,450-4,700rpm
Transmission: 8-speed dual-clutch auto
Top speed: 250kph
Fuel consumption: 6.8L/100km
On sale: Now
Price: Dh146,999
Engine: 2.0-litre 4-cylinder turbo
Power: 275hp at 6,600rpm
Torque: 353Nm from 1,450-4,700rpm
Transmission: 8-speed dual-clutch auto
Top speed: 250kph
Fuel consumption: 6.8L/100km
On sale: Now
Price: Dh146,999
Engine: 2.0-litre 4-cylinder turbo
Power: 275hp at 6,600rpm
Torque: 353Nm from 1,450-4,700rpm
Transmission: 8-speed dual-clutch auto
Top speed: 250kph
Fuel consumption: 6.8L/100km
On sale: Now
Price: Dh146,999
Engine: 2.0-litre 4-cylinder turbo
Power: 275hp at 6,600rpm
Torque: 353Nm from 1,450-4,700rpm
Transmission: 8-speed dual-clutch auto
Top speed: 250kph
Fuel consumption: 6.8L/100km
On sale: Now
Price: Dh146,999
Engine: 2.0-litre 4-cylinder turbo
Power: 275hp at 6,600rpm
Torque: 353Nm from 1,450-4,700rpm
Transmission: 8-speed dual-clutch auto
Top speed: 250kph
Fuel consumption: 6.8L/100km
On sale: Now
Price: Dh146,999
Engine: 2.0-litre 4-cylinder turbo
Power: 275hp at 6,600rpm
Torque: 353Nm from 1,450-4,700rpm
Transmission: 8-speed dual-clutch auto
Top speed: 250kph
Fuel consumption: 6.8L/100km
On sale: Now
Price: Dh146,999
Engine: 2.0-litre 4-cylinder turbo
Power: 275hp at 6,600rpm
Torque: 353Nm from 1,450-4,700rpm
Transmission: 8-speed dual-clutch auto
Top speed: 250kph
Fuel consumption: 6.8L/100km
On sale: Now
Price: Dh146,999
Engine: 2.0-litre 4-cylinder turbo
Power: 275hp at 6,600rpm
Torque: 353Nm from 1,450-4,700rpm
Transmission: 8-speed dual-clutch auto
Top speed: 250kph
Fuel consumption: 6.8L/100km
On sale: Now
Price: Dh146,999
Engine: 2.0-litre 4-cylinder turbo
Power: 275hp at 6,600rpm
Torque: 353Nm from 1,450-4,700rpm
Transmission: 8-speed dual-clutch auto
Top speed: 250kph
Fuel consumption: 6.8L/100km
On sale: Now
Price: Dh146,999
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UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
Sinopharm vaccine explained
The Sinopharm vaccine was created using techniques that have been around for decades.
“This is an inactivated vaccine. Simply what it means is that the virus is taken, cultured and inactivated, » said Dr Nawal Al Kaabi, chair of the UAE’s National Covid-19 Clinical Management Committee.
« What is left is a skeleton of the virus so it looks like a virus, but it is not live. »
This is then injected into the body.
« The body will recognise it and form antibodies but because it is inactive, we will need more than one dose. The body will not develop immunity with one dose, » she said.
« You have to be exposed more than one time to what we call the antigen. »
The vaccine should offer protection for at least months, but no one knows how long beyond that.
Dr Al Kaabi said early vaccine volunteers in China were given shots last spring and still have antibodies today.
“Since it is inactivated, it will not last forever, » she said.
Sinopharm vaccine explained
The Sinopharm vaccine was created using techniques that have been around for decades.
“This is an inactivated vaccine. Simply what it means is that the virus is taken, cultured and inactivated, » said Dr Nawal Al Kaabi, chair of the UAE’s National Covid-19 Clinical Management Committee.
« What is left is a skeleton of the virus so it looks like a virus, but it is not live. »
This is then injected into the body.
« The body will recognise it and form antibodies but because it is inactive, we will need more than one dose. The body will not develop immunity with one dose, » she said.
« You have to be exposed more than one time to what we call the antigen. »
The vaccine should offer protection for at least months, but no one knows how long beyond that.
Dr Al Kaabi said early vaccine volunteers in China were given shots last spring and still have antibodies today.
“Since it is inactivated, it will not last forever, » she said.
Sinopharm vaccine explained
The Sinopharm vaccine was created using techniques that have been around for decades.
“This is an inactivated vaccine. Simply what it means is that the virus is taken, cultured and inactivated, » said Dr Nawal Al Kaabi, chair of the UAE’s National Covid-19 Clinical Management Committee.
« What is left is a skeleton of the virus so it looks like a virus, but it is not live. »
This is then injected into the body.
« The body will recognise it and form antibodies but because it is inactive, we will need more than one dose. The body will not develop immunity with one dose, » she said.
« You have to be exposed more than one time to what we call the antigen. »
The vaccine should offer protection for at least months, but no one knows how long beyond that.
Dr Al Kaabi said early vaccine volunteers in China were given shots last spring and still have antibodies today.
“Since it is inactivated, it will not last forever, » she said.
Sinopharm vaccine explained
The Sinopharm vaccine was created using techniques that have been around for decades.
“This is an inactivated vaccine. Simply what it means is that the virus is taken, cultured and inactivated, » said Dr Nawal Al Kaabi, chair of the UAE’s National Covid-19 Clinical Management Committee.
« What is left is a skeleton of the virus so it looks like a virus, but it is not live. »
This is then injected into the body.
« The body will recognise it and form antibodies but because it is inactive, we will need more than one dose. The body will not develop immunity with one dose, » she said.
« You have to be exposed more than one time to what we call the antigen. »
The vaccine should offer protection for at least months, but no one knows how long beyond that.
Dr Al Kaabi said early vaccine volunteers in China were given shots last spring and still have antibodies today.
“Since it is inactivated, it will not last forever, » she said.
Sinopharm vaccine explained
The Sinopharm vaccine was created using techniques that have been around for decades.
“This is an inactivated vaccine. Simply what it means is that the virus is taken, cultured and inactivated, » said Dr Nawal Al Kaabi, chair of the UAE’s National Covid-19 Clinical Management Committee.
« What is left is a skeleton of the virus so it looks like a virus, but it is not live. »
This is then injected into the body.
« The body will recognise it and form antibodies but because it is inactive, we will need more than one dose. The body will not develop immunity with one dose, » she said.
« You have to be exposed more than one time to what we call the antigen. »
The vaccine should offer protection for at least months, but no one knows how long beyond that.
Dr Al Kaabi said early vaccine volunteers in China were given shots last spring and still have antibodies today.
“Since it is inactivated, it will not last forever, » she said.
Sinopharm vaccine explained
The Sinopharm vaccine was created using techniques that have been around for decades.
“This is an inactivated vaccine. Simply what it means is that the virus is taken, cultured and inactivated, » said Dr Nawal Al Kaabi, chair of the UAE’s National Covid-19 Clinical Management Committee.
« What is left is a skeleton of the virus so it looks like a virus, but it is not live. »
This is then injected into the body.
« The body will recognise it and form antibodies but because it is inactive, we will need more than one dose. The body will not develop immunity with one dose, » she said.
« You have to be exposed more than one time to what we call the antigen. »
The vaccine should offer protection for at least months, but no one knows how long beyond that.
Dr Al Kaabi said early vaccine volunteers in China were given shots last spring and still have antibodies today.
“Since it is inactivated, it will not last forever, » she said.
Sinopharm vaccine explained
The Sinopharm vaccine was created using techniques that have been around for decades.
“This is an inactivated vaccine. Simply what it means is that the virus is taken, cultured and inactivated, » said Dr Nawal Al Kaabi, chair of the UAE’s National Covid-19 Clinical Management Committee.
« What is left is a skeleton of the virus so it looks like a virus, but it is not live. »
This is then injected into the body.
« The body will recognise it and form antibodies but because it is inactive, we will need more than one dose. The body will not develop immunity with one dose, » she said.
« You have to be exposed more than one time to what we call the antigen. »
The vaccine should offer protection for at least months, but no one knows how long beyond that.
Dr Al Kaabi said early vaccine volunteers in China were given shots last spring and still have antibodies today.
“Since it is inactivated, it will not last forever, » she said.
Sinopharm vaccine explained
The Sinopharm vaccine was created using techniques that have been around for decades.
“This is an inactivated vaccine. Simply what it means is that the virus is taken, cultured and inactivated, » said Dr Nawal Al Kaabi, chair of the UAE’s National Covid-19 Clinical Management Committee.
« What is left is a skeleton of the virus so it looks like a virus, but it is not live. »
This is then injected into the body.
« The body will recognise it and form antibodies but because it is inactive, we will need more than one dose. The body will not develop immunity with one dose, » she said.
« You have to be exposed more than one time to what we call the antigen. »
The vaccine should offer protection for at least months, but no one knows how long beyond that.
Dr Al Kaabi said early vaccine volunteers in China were given shots last spring and still have antibodies today.
“Since it is inactivated, it will not last forever, » she said.
Sinopharm vaccine explained
The Sinopharm vaccine was created using techniques that have been around for decades.
“This is an inactivated vaccine. Simply what it means is that the virus is taken, cultured and inactivated, » said Dr Nawal Al Kaabi, chair of the UAE’s National Covid-19 Clinical Management Committee.
« What is left is a skeleton of the virus so it looks like a virus, but it is not live. »
This is then injected into the body.
« The body will recognise it and form antibodies but because it is inactive, we will need more than one dose. The body will not develop immunity with one dose, » she said.
« You have to be exposed more than one time to what we call the antigen. »
The vaccine should offer protection for at least months, but no one knows how long beyond that.
Dr Al Kaabi said early vaccine volunteers in China were given shots last spring and still have antibodies today.
“Since it is inactivated, it will not last forever, » she said.
Sinopharm vaccine explained
The Sinopharm vaccine was created using techniques that have been around for decades.
“This is an inactivated vaccine. Simply what it means is that the virus is taken, cultured and inactivated, » said Dr Nawal Al Kaabi, chair of the UAE’s National Covid-19 Clinical Management Committee.
« What is left is a skeleton of the virus so it looks like a virus, but it is not live. »
This is then injected into the body.
« The body will recognise it and form antibodies but because it is inactive, we will need more than one dose. The body will not develop immunity with one dose, » she said.
« You have to be exposed more than one time to what we call the antigen. »
The vaccine should offer protection for at least months, but no one knows how long beyond that.
Dr Al Kaabi said early vaccine volunteers in China were given shots last spring and still have antibodies today.
“Since it is inactivated, it will not last forever, » she said.
Sinopharm vaccine explained
The Sinopharm vaccine was created using techniques that have been around for decades.
“This is an inactivated vaccine. Simply what it means is that the virus is taken, cultured and inactivated, » said Dr Nawal Al Kaabi, chair of the UAE’s National Covid-19 Clinical Management Committee.
« What is left is a skeleton of the virus so it looks like a virus, but it is not live. »
This is then injected into the body.
« The body will recognise it and form antibodies but because it is inactive, we will need more than one dose. The body will not develop immunity with one dose, » she said.
« You have to be exposed more than one time to what we call the antigen. »
The vaccine should offer protection for at least months, but no one knows how long beyond that.
Dr Al Kaabi said early vaccine volunteers in China were given shots last spring and still have antibodies today.
“Since it is inactivated, it will not last forever, » she said.
Sinopharm vaccine explained
The Sinopharm vaccine was created using techniques that have been around for decades.
“This is an inactivated vaccine. Simply what it means is that the virus is taken, cultured and inactivated, » said Dr Nawal Al Kaabi, chair of the UAE’s National Covid-19 Clinical Management Committee.
« What is left is a skeleton of the virus so it looks like a virus, but it is not live. »
This is then injected into the body.
« The body will recognise it and form antibodies but because it is inactive, we will need more than one dose. The body will not develop immunity with one dose, » she said.
« You have to be exposed more than one time to what we call the antigen. »
The vaccine should offer protection for at least months, but no one knows how long beyond that.
Dr Al Kaabi said early vaccine volunteers in China were given shots last spring and still have antibodies today.
“Since it is inactivated, it will not last forever, » she said.
Sinopharm vaccine explained
The Sinopharm vaccine was created using techniques that have been around for decades.
“This is an inactivated vaccine. Simply what it means is that the virus is taken, cultured and inactivated, » said Dr Nawal Al Kaabi, chair of the UAE’s National Covid-19 Clinical Management Committee.
« What is left is a skeleton of the virus so it looks like a virus, but it is not live. »
This is then injected into the body.
« The body will recognise it and form antibodies but because it is inactive, we will need more than one dose. The body will not develop immunity with one dose, » she said.
« You have to be exposed more than one time to what we call the antigen. »
The vaccine should offer protection for at least months, but no one knows how long beyond that.
Dr Al Kaabi said early vaccine volunteers in China were given shots last spring and still have antibodies today.
“Since it is inactivated, it will not last forever, » she said.
Sinopharm vaccine explained
The Sinopharm vaccine was created using techniques that have been around for decades.
“This is an inactivated vaccine. Simply what it means is that the virus is taken, cultured and inactivated, » said Dr Nawal Al Kaabi, chair of the UAE’s National Covid-19 Clinical Management Committee.
« What is left is a skeleton of the virus so it looks like a virus, but it is not live. »
This is then injected into the body.
« The body will recognise it and form antibodies but because it is inactive, we will need more than one dose. The body will not develop immunity with one dose, » she said.
« You have to be exposed more than one time to what we call the antigen. »
The vaccine should offer protection for at least months, but no one knows how long beyond that.
Dr Al Kaabi said early vaccine volunteers in China were given shots last spring and still have antibodies today.
“Since it is inactivated, it will not last forever, » she said.
Sinopharm vaccine explained
The Sinopharm vaccine was created using techniques that have been around for decades.
“This is an inactivated vaccine. Simply what it means is that the virus is taken, cultured and inactivated, » said Dr Nawal Al Kaabi, chair of the UAE’s National Covid-19 Clinical Management Committee.
« What is left is a skeleton of the virus so it looks like a virus, but it is not live. »
This is then injected into the body.
« The body will recognise it and form antibodies but because it is inactive, we will need more than one dose. The body will not develop immunity with one dose, » she said.
« You have to be exposed more than one time to what we call the antigen. »
The vaccine should offer protection for at least months, but no one knows how long beyond that.
Dr Al Kaabi said early vaccine volunteers in China were given shots last spring and still have antibodies today.
“Since it is inactivated, it will not last forever, » she said.
Sinopharm vaccine explained
The Sinopharm vaccine was created using techniques that have been around for decades.
“This is an inactivated vaccine. Simply what it means is that the virus is taken, cultured and inactivated, » said Dr Nawal Al Kaabi, chair of the UAE’s National Covid-19 Clinical Management Committee.
« What is left is a skeleton of the virus so it looks like a virus, but it is not live. »
This is then injected into the body.
« The body will recognise it and form antibodies but because it is inactive, we will need more than one dose. The body will not develop immunity with one dose, » she said.
« You have to be exposed more than one time to what we call the antigen. »
The vaccine should offer protection for at least months, but no one knows how long beyond that.
Dr Al Kaabi said early vaccine volunteers in China were given shots last spring and still have antibodies today.
“Since it is inactivated, it will not last forever, » she said.
Producer: JP Films, Zee StudiosRéalisateur: JP DuttaCast: Jackie Shroff, Sonu Sood, Arjun Rampal, Siddhanth Kapoor, Luv Sinha and Harshvardhan RaneRating: 2/5
Producer: JP Films, Zee StudiosRéalisateur: JP DuttaCast: Jackie Shroff, Sonu Sood, Arjun Rampal, Siddhanth Kapoor, Luv Sinha and Harshvardhan RaneRating: 2/5
Producer: JP Films, Zee StudiosRéalisateur: JP DuttaCast: Jackie Shroff, Sonu Sood, Arjun Rampal, Siddhanth Kapoor, Luv Sinha and Harshvardhan RaneRating: 2/5
Producer: JP Films, Zee StudiosRéalisateur: JP DuttaCast: Jackie Shroff, Sonu Sood, Arjun Rampal, Siddhanth Kapoor, Luv Sinha and Harshvardhan RaneRating: 2/5
Producer: JP Films, Zee StudiosRéalisateur: JP DuttaCast: Jackie Shroff, Sonu Sood, Arjun Rampal, Siddhanth Kapoor, Luv Sinha and Harshvardhan RaneRating: 2/5
Producer: JP Films, Zee StudiosRéalisateur: JP DuttaCast: Jackie Shroff, Sonu Sood, Arjun Rampal, Siddhanth Kapoor, Luv Sinha and Harshvardhan RaneRating: 2/5
Producer: JP Films, Zee StudiosRéalisateur: JP DuttaCast: Jackie Shroff, Sonu Sood, Arjun Rampal, Siddhanth Kapoor, Luv Sinha and Harshvardhan RaneRating: 2/5
Producer: JP Films, Zee StudiosRéalisateur: JP DuttaCast: Jackie Shroff, Sonu Sood, Arjun Rampal, Siddhanth Kapoor, Luv Sinha and Harshvardhan RaneRating: 2/5
Producer: JP Films, Zee StudiosRéalisateur: JP DuttaCast: Jackie Shroff, Sonu Sood, Arjun Rampal, Siddhanth Kapoor, Luv Sinha and Harshvardhan RaneRating: 2/5
Producer: JP Films, Zee StudiosRéalisateur: JP DuttaCast: Jackie Shroff, Sonu Sood, Arjun Rampal, Siddhanth Kapoor, Luv Sinha and Harshvardhan RaneRating: 2/5
Producer: JP Films, Zee StudiosRéalisateur: JP DuttaCast: Jackie Shroff, Sonu Sood, Arjun Rampal, Siddhanth Kapoor, Luv Sinha and Harshvardhan RaneRating: 2/5
Producer: JP Films, Zee StudiosRéalisateur: JP DuttaCast: Jackie Shroff, Sonu Sood, Arjun Rampal, Siddhanth Kapoor, Luv Sinha and Harshvardhan RaneRating: 2/5
Producer: JP Films, Zee StudiosRéalisateur: JP DuttaCast: Jackie Shroff, Sonu Sood, Arjun Rampal, Siddhanth Kapoor, Luv Sinha and Harshvardhan RaneRating: 2/5
Producer: JP Films, Zee StudiosRéalisateur: JP DuttaCast: Jackie Shroff, Sonu Sood, Arjun Rampal, Siddhanth Kapoor, Luv Sinha and Harshvardhan RaneRating: 2/5
Producer: JP Films, Zee StudiosRéalisateur: JP DuttaCast: Jackie Shroff, Sonu Sood, Arjun Rampal, Siddhanth Kapoor, Luv Sinha and Harshvardhan RaneRating: 2/5
Producer: JP Films, Zee StudiosRéalisateur: JP DuttaCast: Jackie Shroff, Sonu Sood, Arjun Rampal, Siddhanth Kapoor, Luv Sinha and Harshvardhan RaneRating: 2/5
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
Dr Amal Khalid Alias revealed a recent case of a woman with daughters, who specifically wanted a boy.
A semen analysis of the father showed abnormal sperm so the couple required IVF.
Out of 21 eggs collected, six were unused leaving 15 suitable for IVF.
A specific procedure was used, called intracytoplasmic sperm injection where a single sperm cell is inserted into the egg.
On day three of the process, 14 embryos were biopsied for gender selection.
The next day, a pre-implantation genetic report revealed four normal male embryos, three female and seven abnormal samples.
Day five of the treatment saw two male embryos transferred to the patient.
The woman recorded a positive pregnancy test two weeks later.
Dr Amal Khalid Alias revealed a recent case of a woman with daughters, who specifically wanted a boy.
A semen analysis of the father showed abnormal sperm so the couple required IVF.
Out of 21 eggs collected, six were unused leaving 15 suitable for IVF.
A specific procedure was used, called intracytoplasmic sperm injection where a single sperm cell is inserted into the egg.
On day three of the process, 14 embryos were biopsied for gender selection.
The next day, a pre-implantation genetic report revealed four normal male embryos, three female and seven abnormal samples.
Day five of the treatment saw two male embryos transferred to the patient.
The woman recorded a positive pregnancy test two weeks later.
Dr Amal Khalid Alias revealed a recent case of a woman with daughters, who specifically wanted a boy.
A semen analysis of the father showed abnormal sperm so the couple required IVF.
Out of 21 eggs collected, six were unused leaving 15 suitable for IVF.
A specific procedure was used, called intracytoplasmic sperm injection where a single sperm cell is inserted into the egg.
On day three of the process, 14 embryos were biopsied for gender selection.
The next day, a pre-implantation genetic report revealed four normal male embryos, three female and seven abnormal samples.
Day five of the treatment saw two male embryos transferred to the patient.
The woman recorded a positive pregnancy test two weeks later.
Dr Amal Khalid Alias revealed a recent case of a woman with daughters, who specifically wanted a boy.
A semen analysis of the father showed abnormal sperm so the couple required IVF.
Out of 21 eggs collected, six were unused leaving 15 suitable for IVF.
A specific procedure was used, called intracytoplasmic sperm injection where a single sperm cell is inserted into the egg.
On day three of the process, 14 embryos were biopsied for gender selection.
The next day, a pre-implantation genetic report revealed four normal male embryos, three female and seven abnormal samples.
Day five of the treatment saw two male embryos transferred to the patient.
The woman recorded a positive pregnancy test two weeks later.
Dr Amal Khalid Alias revealed a recent case of a woman with daughters, who specifically wanted a boy.
A semen analysis of the father showed abnormal sperm so the couple required IVF.
Out of 21 eggs collected, six were unused leaving 15 suitable for IVF.
A specific procedure was used, called intracytoplasmic sperm injection where a single sperm cell is inserted into the egg.
On day three of the process, 14 embryos were biopsied for gender selection.
The next day, a pre-implantation genetic report revealed four normal male embryos, three female and seven abnormal samples.
Day five of the treatment saw two male embryos transferred to the patient.
The woman recorded a positive pregnancy test two weeks later.
Dr Amal Khalid Alias revealed a recent case of a woman with daughters, who specifically wanted a boy.
A semen analysis of the father showed abnormal sperm so the couple required IVF.
Out of 21 eggs collected, six were unused leaving 15 suitable for IVF.
A specific procedure was used, called intracytoplasmic sperm injection where a single sperm cell is inserted into the egg.
On day three of the process, 14 embryos were biopsied for gender selection.
The next day, a pre-implantation genetic report revealed four normal male embryos, three female and seven abnormal samples.
Day five of the treatment saw two male embryos transferred to the patient.
The woman recorded a positive pregnancy test two weeks later.
Dr Amal Khalid Alias revealed a recent case of a woman with daughters, who specifically wanted a boy.
A semen analysis of the father showed abnormal sperm so the couple required IVF.
Out of 21 eggs collected, six were unused leaving 15 suitable for IVF.
A specific procedure was used, called intracytoplasmic sperm injection where a single sperm cell is inserted into the egg.
On day three of the process, 14 embryos were biopsied for gender selection.
The next day, a pre-implantation genetic report revealed four normal male embryos, three female and seven abnormal samples.
Day five of the treatment saw two male embryos transferred to the patient.
The woman recorded a positive pregnancy test two weeks later.
Dr Amal Khalid Alias revealed a recent case of a woman with daughters, who specifically wanted a boy.
A semen analysis of the father showed abnormal sperm so the couple required IVF.
Out of 21 eggs collected, six were unused leaving 15 suitable for IVF.
A specific procedure was used, called intracytoplasmic sperm injection where a single sperm cell is inserted into the egg.
On day three of the process, 14 embryos were biopsied for gender selection.
The next day, a pre-implantation genetic report revealed four normal male embryos, three female and seven abnormal samples.
Day five of the treatment saw two male embryos transferred to the patient.
The woman recorded a positive pregnancy test two weeks later.
Dr Amal Khalid Alias revealed a recent case of a woman with daughters, who specifically wanted a boy.
A semen analysis of the father showed abnormal sperm so the couple required IVF.
Out of 21 eggs collected, six were unused leaving 15 suitable for IVF.
A specific procedure was used, called intracytoplasmic sperm injection where a single sperm cell is inserted into the egg.
On day three of the process, 14 embryos were biopsied for gender selection.
The next day, a pre-implantation genetic report revealed four normal male embryos, three female and seven abnormal samples.
Day five of the treatment saw two male embryos transferred to the patient.
The woman recorded a positive pregnancy test two weeks later.
Dr Amal Khalid Alias revealed a recent case of a woman with daughters, who specifically wanted a boy.
A semen analysis of the father showed abnormal sperm so the couple required IVF.
Out of 21 eggs collected, six were unused leaving 15 suitable for IVF.
A specific procedure was used, called intracytoplasmic sperm injection where a single sperm cell is inserted into the egg.
On day three of the process, 14 embryos were biopsied for gender selection.
The next day, a pre-implantation genetic report revealed four normal male embryos, three female and seven abnormal samples.
Day five of the treatment saw two male embryos transferred to the patient.
The woman recorded a positive pregnancy test two weeks later.
Dr Amal Khalid Alias revealed a recent case of a woman with daughters, who specifically wanted a boy.
A semen analysis of the father showed abnormal sperm so the couple required IVF.
Out of 21 eggs collected, six were unused leaving 15 suitable for IVF.
A specific procedure was used, called intracytoplasmic sperm injection where a single sperm cell is inserted into the egg.
On day three of the process, 14 embryos were biopsied for gender selection.
The next day, a pre-implantation genetic report revealed four normal male embryos, three female and seven abnormal samples.
Day five of the treatment saw two male embryos transferred to the patient.
The woman recorded a positive pregnancy test two weeks later.
Dr Amal Khalid Alias revealed a recent case of a woman with daughters, who specifically wanted a boy.
A semen analysis of the father showed abnormal sperm so the couple required IVF.
Out of 21 eggs collected, six were unused leaving 15 suitable for IVF.
A specific procedure was used, called intracytoplasmic sperm injection where a single sperm cell is inserted into the egg.
On day three of the process, 14 embryos were biopsied for gender selection.
The next day, a pre-implantation genetic report revealed four normal male embryos, three female and seven abnormal samples.
Day five of the treatment saw two male embryos transferred to the patient.
The woman recorded a positive pregnancy test two weeks later.
Dr Amal Khalid Alias revealed a recent case of a woman with daughters, who specifically wanted a boy.
A semen analysis of the father showed abnormal sperm so the couple required IVF.
Out of 21 eggs collected, six were unused leaving 15 suitable for IVF.
A specific procedure was used, called intracytoplasmic sperm injection where a single sperm cell is inserted into the egg.
On day three of the process, 14 embryos were biopsied for gender selection.
The next day, a pre-implantation genetic report revealed four normal male embryos, three female and seven abnormal samples.
Day five of the treatment saw two male embryos transferred to the patient.
The woman recorded a positive pregnancy test two weeks later.
Dr Amal Khalid Alias revealed a recent case of a woman with daughters, who specifically wanted a boy.
A semen analysis of the father showed abnormal sperm so the couple required IVF.
Out of 21 eggs collected, six were unused leaving 15 suitable for IVF.
A specific procedure was used, called intracytoplasmic sperm injection where a single sperm cell is inserted into the egg.
On day three of the process, 14 embryos were biopsied for gender selection.
The next day, a pre-implantation genetic report revealed four normal male embryos, three female and seven abnormal samples.
Day five of the treatment saw two male embryos transferred to the patient.
The woman recorded a positive pregnancy test two weeks later.
Dr Amal Khalid Alias revealed a recent case of a woman with daughters, who specifically wanted a boy.
A semen analysis of the father showed abnormal sperm so the couple required IVF.
Out of 21 eggs collected, six were unused leaving 15 suitable for IVF.
A specific procedure was used, called intracytoplasmic sperm injection where a single sperm cell is inserted into the egg.
On day three of the process, 14 embryos were biopsied for gender selection.
The next day, a pre-implantation genetic report revealed four normal male embryos, three female and seven abnormal samples.
Day five of the treatment saw two male embryos transferred to the patient.
The woman recorded a positive pregnancy test two weeks later.
Dr Amal Khalid Alias revealed a recent case of a woman with daughters, who specifically wanted a boy.
A semen analysis of the father showed abnormal sperm so the couple required IVF.
Out of 21 eggs collected, six were unused leaving 15 suitable for IVF.
A specific procedure was used, called intracytoplasmic sperm injection where a single sperm cell is inserted into the egg.
On day three of the process, 14 embryos were biopsied for gender selection.
The next day, a pre-implantation genetic report revealed four normal male embryos, three female and seven abnormal samples.
Day five of the treatment saw two male embryos transferred to the patient.
The woman recorded a positive pregnancy test two weeks later.
Dates for the diary
To mark Bodytree’s 10th anniversary, the coming season will be filled with celebratory activities:
- September 21 Anyone interested in becoming a certified yoga instructor can sign up for a 250-hour course in Yoga Teacher Training with Jacquelene Sadek. It begins on September 21 and will take place over the course of six weekends.
- October 18 to 21 International yoga instructor, Yogi Nora, will be visiting Bodytree and offering classes.
- October 26 to November 4 International pilates instructor Courtney Miller will be on hand at the studio, offering classes.
- 9 novembre Bodytree is hosting a party to celebrate turning 10, and everyone is invited. Expect a day full of free classes on the grounds of the studio.
- 11 décembre Yogeswari, an advanced certified Jivamukti teacher, will be visiting the studio.
- February 2, 2018 Bodytree will host its 4th annual yoga market.
Dates for the diary
To mark Bodytree’s 10th anniversary, the coming season will be filled with celebratory activities:
- September 21 Anyone interested in becoming a certified yoga instructor can sign up for a 250-hour course in Yoga Teacher Training with Jacquelene Sadek. It begins on September 21 and will take place over the course of six weekends.
- October 18 to 21 International yoga instructor, Yogi Nora, will be visiting Bodytree and offering classes.
- October 26 to November 4 International pilates instructor Courtney Miller will be on hand at the studio, offering classes.
- 9 novembre Bodytree is hosting a party to celebrate turning 10, and everyone is invited. Expect a day full of free classes on the grounds of the studio.
- 11 décembre Yogeswari, an advanced certified Jivamukti teacher, will be visiting the studio.
- February 2, 2018 Bodytree will host its 4th annual yoga market.
Dates for the diary
To mark Bodytree’s 10th anniversary, the coming season will be filled with celebratory activities:
- September 21 Anyone interested in becoming a certified yoga instructor can sign up for a 250-hour course in Yoga Teacher Training with Jacquelene Sadek. It begins on September 21 and will take place over the course of six weekends.
- October 18 to 21 International yoga instructor, Yogi Nora, will be visiting Bodytree and offering classes.
- October 26 to November 4 International pilates instructor Courtney Miller will be on hand at the studio, offering classes.
- 9 novembre Bodytree is hosting a party to celebrate turning 10, and everyone is invited. Expect a day full of free classes on the grounds of the studio.
- 11 décembre Yogeswari, an advanced certified Jivamukti teacher, will be visiting the studio.
- February 2, 2018 Bodytree will host its 4th annual yoga market.
Dates for the diary
To mark Bodytree’s 10th anniversary, the coming season will be filled with celebratory activities:
- September 21 Anyone interested in becoming a certified yoga instructor can sign up for a 250-hour course in Yoga Teacher Training with Jacquelene Sadek. It begins on September 21 and will take place over the course of six weekends.
- October 18 to 21 International yoga instructor, Yogi Nora, will be visiting Bodytree and offering classes.
- October 26 to November 4 International pilates instructor Courtney Miller will be on hand at the studio, offering classes.
- 9 novembre Bodytree is hosting a party to celebrate turning 10, and everyone is invited. Expect a day full of free classes on the grounds of the studio.
- 11 décembre Yogeswari, an advanced certified Jivamukti teacher, will be visiting the studio.
- February 2, 2018 Bodytree will host its 4th annual yoga market.
Dates for the diary
To mark Bodytree’s 10th anniversary, the coming season will be filled with celebratory activities:
- September 21 Anyone interested in becoming a certified yoga instructor can sign up for a 250-hour course in Yoga Teacher Training with Jacquelene Sadek. It begins on September 21 and will take place over the course of six weekends.
- October 18 to 21 International yoga instructor, Yogi Nora, will be visiting Bodytree and offering classes.
- October 26 to November 4 International pilates instructor Courtney Miller will be on hand at the studio, offering classes.
- 9 novembre Bodytree is hosting a party to celebrate turning 10, and everyone is invited. Expect a day full of free classes on the grounds of the studio.
- 11 décembre Yogeswari, an advanced certified Jivamukti teacher, will be visiting the studio.
- February 2, 2018 Bodytree will host its 4th annual yoga market.
Dates for the diary
To mark Bodytree’s 10th anniversary, the coming season will be filled with celebratory activities:
- September 21 Anyone interested in becoming a certified yoga instructor can sign up for a 250-hour course in Yoga Teacher Training with Jacquelene Sadek. It begins on September 21 and will take place over the course of six weekends.
- October 18 to 21 International yoga instructor, Yogi Nora, will be visiting Bodytree and offering classes.
- October 26 to November 4 International pilates instructor Courtney Miller will be on hand at the studio, offering classes.
- 9 novembre Bodytree is hosting a party to celebrate turning 10, and everyone is invited. Expect a day full of free classes on the grounds of the studio.
- 11 décembre Yogeswari, an advanced certified Jivamukti teacher, will be visiting the studio.
- February 2, 2018 Bodytree will host its 4th annual yoga market.
Dates for the diary
To mark Bodytree’s 10th anniversary, the coming season will be filled with celebratory activities:
- September 21 Anyone interested in becoming a certified yoga instructor can sign up for a 250-hour course in Yoga Teacher Training with Jacquelene Sadek. It begins on September 21 and will take place over the course of six weekends.
- October 18 to 21 International yoga instructor, Yogi Nora, will be visiting Bodytree and offering classes.
- October 26 to November 4 International pilates instructor Courtney Miller will be on hand at the studio, offering classes.
- 9 novembre Bodytree is hosting a party to celebrate turning 10, and everyone is invited. Expect a day full of free classes on the grounds of the studio.
- 11 décembre Yogeswari, an advanced certified Jivamukti teacher, will be visiting the studio.
- February 2, 2018 Bodytree will host its 4th annual yoga market.
Dates for the diary
To mark Bodytree’s 10th anniversary, the coming season will be filled with celebratory activities:
- September 21 Anyone interested in becoming a certified yoga instructor can sign up for a 250-hour course in Yoga Teacher Training with Jacquelene Sadek. It begins on September 21 and will take place over the course of six weekends.
- October 18 to 21 International yoga instructor, Yogi Nora, will be visiting Bodytree and offering classes.
- October 26 to November 4 International pilates instructor Courtney Miller will be on hand at the studio, offering classes.
- 9 novembre Bodytree is hosting a party to celebrate turning 10, and everyone is invited. Expect a day full of free classes on the grounds of the studio.
- 11 décembre Yogeswari, an advanced certified Jivamukti teacher, will be visiting the studio.
- February 2, 2018 Bodytree will host its 4th annual yoga market.
Dates for the diary
To mark Bodytree’s 10th anniversary, the coming season will be filled with celebratory activities:
- September 21 Anyone interested in becoming a certified yoga instructor can sign up for a 250-hour course in Yoga Teacher Training with Jacquelene Sadek. It begins on September 21 and will take place over the course of six weekends.
- October 18 to 21 International yoga instructor, Yogi Nora, will be visiting Bodytree and offering classes.
- October 26 to November 4 International pilates instructor Courtney Miller will be on hand at the studio, offering classes.
- 9 novembre Bodytree is hosting a party to celebrate turning 10, and everyone is invited. Expect a day full of free classes on the grounds of the studio.
- 11 décembre Yogeswari, an advanced certified Jivamukti teacher, will be visiting the studio.
- February 2, 2018 Bodytree will host its 4th annual yoga market.
Dates for the diary
To mark Bodytree’s 10th anniversary, the coming season will be filled with celebratory activities:
- September 21 Anyone interested in becoming a certified yoga instructor can sign up for a 250-hour course in Yoga Teacher Training with Jacquelene Sadek. It begins on September 21 and will take place over the course of six weekends.
- October 18 to 21 International yoga instructor, Yogi Nora, will be visiting Bodytree and offering classes.
- October 26 to November 4 International pilates instructor Courtney Miller will be on hand at the studio, offering classes.
- 9 novembre Bodytree is hosting a party to celebrate turning 10, and everyone is invited. Expect a day full of free classes on the grounds of the studio.
- 11 décembre Yogeswari, an advanced certified Jivamukti teacher, will be visiting the studio.
- February 2, 2018 Bodytree will host its 4th annual yoga market.
Dates for the diary
To mark Bodytree’s 10th anniversary, the coming season will be filled with celebratory activities:
- September 21 Anyone interested in becoming a certified yoga instructor can sign up for a 250-hour course in Yoga Teacher Training with Jacquelene Sadek. It begins on September 21 and will take place over the course of six weekends.
- October 18 to 21 International yoga instructor, Yogi Nora, will be visiting Bodytree and offering classes.
- October 26 to November 4 International pilates instructor Courtney Miller will be on hand at the studio, offering classes.
- 9 novembre Bodytree is hosting a party to celebrate turning 10, and everyone is invited. Expect a day full of free classes on the grounds of the studio.
- 11 décembre Yogeswari, an advanced certified Jivamukti teacher, will be visiting the studio.
- February 2, 2018 Bodytree will host its 4th annual yoga market.
Dates for the diary
To mark Bodytree’s 10th anniversary, the coming season will be filled with celebratory activities:
- September 21 Anyone interested in becoming a certified yoga instructor can sign up for a 250-hour course in Yoga Teacher Training with Jacquelene Sadek. It begins on September 21 and will take place over the course of six weekends.
- October 18 to 21 International yoga instructor, Yogi Nora, will be visiting Bodytree and offering classes.
- October 26 to November 4 International pilates instructor Courtney Miller will be on hand at the studio, offering classes.
- 9 novembre Bodytree is hosting a party to celebrate turning 10, and everyone is invited. Expect a day full of free classes on the grounds of the studio.
- 11 décembre Yogeswari, an advanced certified Jivamukti teacher, will be visiting the studio.
- February 2, 2018 Bodytree will host its 4th annual yoga market.
Dates for the diary
To mark Bodytree’s 10th anniversary, the coming season will be filled with celebratory activities:
- September 21 Anyone interested in becoming a certified yoga instructor can sign up for a 250-hour course in Yoga Teacher Training with Jacquelene Sadek. It begins on September 21 and will take place over the course of six weekends.
- October 18 to 21 International yoga instructor, Yogi Nora, will be visiting Bodytree and offering classes.
- October 26 to November 4 International pilates instructor Courtney Miller will be on hand at the studio, offering classes.
- 9 novembre Bodytree is hosting a party to celebrate turning 10, and everyone is invited. Expect a day full of free classes on the grounds of the studio.
- 11 décembre Yogeswari, an advanced certified Jivamukti teacher, will be visiting the studio.
- February 2, 2018 Bodytree will host its 4th annual yoga market.
Dates for the diary
To mark Bodytree’s 10th anniversary, the coming season will be filled with celebratory activities:
- September 21 Anyone interested in becoming a certified yoga instructor can sign up for a 250-hour course in Yoga Teacher Training with Jacquelene Sadek. It begins on September 21 and will take place over the course of six weekends.
- October 18 to 21 International yoga instructor, Yogi Nora, will be visiting Bodytree and offering classes.
- October 26 to November 4 International pilates instructor Courtney Miller will be on hand at the studio, offering classes.
- 9 novembre Bodytree is hosting a party to celebrate turning 10, and everyone is invited. Expect a day full of free classes on the grounds of the studio.
- 11 décembre Yogeswari, an advanced certified Jivamukti teacher, will be visiting the studio.
- February 2, 2018 Bodytree will host its 4th annual yoga market.
Dates for the diary
To mark Bodytree’s 10th anniversary, the coming season will be filled with celebratory activities:
- September 21 Anyone interested in becoming a certified yoga instructor can sign up for a 250-hour course in Yoga Teacher Training with Jacquelene Sadek. It begins on September 21 and will take place over the course of six weekends.
- October 18 to 21 International yoga instructor, Yogi Nora, will be visiting Bodytree and offering classes.
- October 26 to November 4 International pilates instructor Courtney Miller will be on hand at the studio, offering classes.
- 9 novembre Bodytree is hosting a party to celebrate turning 10, and everyone is invited. Expect a day full of free classes on the grounds of the studio.
- 11 décembre Yogeswari, an advanced certified Jivamukti teacher, will be visiting the studio.
- February 2, 2018 Bodytree will host its 4th annual yoga market.
Dates for the diary
To mark Bodytree’s 10th anniversary, the coming season will be filled with celebratory activities:
- September 21 Anyone interested in becoming a certified yoga instructor can sign up for a 250-hour course in Yoga Teacher Training with Jacquelene Sadek. It begins on September 21 and will take place over the course of six weekends.
- October 18 to 21 International yoga instructor, Yogi Nora, will be visiting Bodytree and offering classes.
- October 26 to November 4 International pilates instructor Courtney Miller will be on hand at the studio, offering classes.
- 9 novembre Bodytree is hosting a party to celebrate turning 10, and everyone is invited. Expect a day full of free classes on the grounds of the studio.
- 11 décembre Yogeswari, an advanced certified Jivamukti teacher, will be visiting the studio.
- February 2, 2018 Bodytree will host its 4th annual yoga market.
Countdown to Zero exhibition will show how disease can be beaten
Countdown to Zero: Defeating Disease, an international multimedia exhibition created by the American Museum of National History in collaboration with The Carter Center, will open in Abu Dhabi a month before Reaching the Last Mile.
Opening on October 15 and running until November 15, the free exhibition opens at The Galleria mall on Al Maryah Island, and has already been seen at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Countdown to Zero exhibition will show how disease can be beaten
Countdown to Zero: Defeating Disease, an international multimedia exhibition created by the American Museum of National History in collaboration with The Carter Center, will open in Abu Dhabi a month before Reaching the Last Mile.
Opening on October 15 and running until November 15, the free exhibition opens at The Galleria mall on Al Maryah Island, and has already been seen at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Countdown to Zero exhibition will show how disease can be beaten
Countdown to Zero: Defeating Disease, an international multimedia exhibition created by the American Museum of National History in collaboration with The Carter Center, will open in Abu Dhabi a month before Reaching the Last Mile.
Opening on October 15 and running until November 15, the free exhibition opens at The Galleria mall on Al Maryah Island, and has already been seen at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Countdown to Zero exhibition will show how disease can be beaten
Countdown to Zero: Defeating Disease, an international multimedia exhibition created by the American Museum of National History in collaboration with The Carter Center, will open in Abu Dhabi a month before Reaching the Last Mile.
Opening on October 15 and running until November 15, the free exhibition opens at The Galleria mall on Al Maryah Island, and has already been seen at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Countdown to Zero exhibition will show how disease can be beaten
Countdown to Zero: Defeating Disease, an international multimedia exhibition created by the American Museum of National History in collaboration with The Carter Center, will open in Abu Dhabi a month before Reaching the Last Mile.
Opening on October 15 and running until November 15, the free exhibition opens at The Galleria mall on Al Maryah Island, and has already been seen at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Countdown to Zero exhibition will show how disease can be beaten
Countdown to Zero: Defeating Disease, an international multimedia exhibition created by the American Museum of National History in collaboration with The Carter Center, will open in Abu Dhabi a month before Reaching the Last Mile.
Opening on October 15 and running until November 15, the free exhibition opens at The Galleria mall on Al Maryah Island, and has already been seen at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Countdown to Zero exhibition will show how disease can be beaten
Countdown to Zero: Defeating Disease, an international multimedia exhibition created by the American Museum of National History in collaboration with The Carter Center, will open in Abu Dhabi a month before Reaching the Last Mile.
Opening on October 15 and running until November 15, the free exhibition opens at The Galleria mall on Al Maryah Island, and has already been seen at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Countdown to Zero exhibition will show how disease can be beaten
Countdown to Zero: Defeating Disease, an international multimedia exhibition created by the American Museum of National History in collaboration with The Carter Center, will open in Abu Dhabi a month before Reaching the Last Mile.
Opening on October 15 and running until November 15, the free exhibition opens at The Galleria mall on Al Maryah Island, and has already been seen at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Countdown to Zero exhibition will show how disease can be beaten
Countdown to Zero: Defeating Disease, an international multimedia exhibition created by the American Museum of National History in collaboration with The Carter Center, will open in Abu Dhabi a month before Reaching the Last Mile.
Opening on October 15 and running until November 15, the free exhibition opens at The Galleria mall on Al Maryah Island, and has already been seen at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Countdown to Zero exhibition will show how disease can be beaten
Countdown to Zero: Defeating Disease, an international multimedia exhibition created by the American Museum of National History in collaboration with The Carter Center, will open in Abu Dhabi a month before Reaching the Last Mile.
Opening on October 15 and running until November 15, the free exhibition opens at The Galleria mall on Al Maryah Island, and has already been seen at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Countdown to Zero exhibition will show how disease can be beaten
Countdown to Zero: Defeating Disease, an international multimedia exhibition created by the American Museum of National History in collaboration with The Carter Center, will open in Abu Dhabi a month before Reaching the Last Mile.
Opening on October 15 and running until November 15, the free exhibition opens at The Galleria mall on Al Maryah Island, and has already been seen at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Countdown to Zero exhibition will show how disease can be beaten
Countdown to Zero: Defeating Disease, an international multimedia exhibition created by the American Museum of National History in collaboration with The Carter Center, will open in Abu Dhabi a month before Reaching the Last Mile.
Opening on October 15 and running until November 15, the free exhibition opens at The Galleria mall on Al Maryah Island, and has already been seen at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Countdown to Zero exhibition will show how disease can be beaten
Countdown to Zero: Defeating Disease, an international multimedia exhibition created by the American Museum of National History in collaboration with The Carter Center, will open in Abu Dhabi a month before Reaching the Last Mile.
Opening on October 15 and running until November 15, the free exhibition opens at The Galleria mall on Al Maryah Island, and has already been seen at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Countdown to Zero exhibition will show how disease can be beaten
Countdown to Zero: Defeating Disease, an international multimedia exhibition created by the American Museum of National History in collaboration with The Carter Center, will open in Abu Dhabi a month before Reaching the Last Mile.
Opening on October 15 and running until November 15, the free exhibition opens at The Galleria mall on Al Maryah Island, and has already been seen at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Countdown to Zero exhibition will show how disease can be beaten
Countdown to Zero: Defeating Disease, an international multimedia exhibition created by the American Museum of National History in collaboration with The Carter Center, will open in Abu Dhabi a month before Reaching the Last Mile.
Opening on October 15 and running until November 15, the free exhibition opens at The Galleria mall on Al Maryah Island, and has already been seen at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Countdown to Zero exhibition will show how disease can be beaten
Countdown to Zero: Defeating Disease, an international multimedia exhibition created by the American Museum of National History in collaboration with The Carter Center, will open in Abu Dhabi a month before Reaching the Last Mile.
Opening on October 15 and running until November 15, the free exhibition opens at The Galleria mall on Al Maryah Island, and has already been seen at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
8 traditional Jamaican dishes to try at Kingston 21
- Trench Town Rock: Jamaican-style curry goat served in a pastry basket with a carrot and potato garnish
- Rock Steady Jerk Chicken: chicken marinated for 24 hours and slow-cooked on the grill
- Mento Oxtail: flavoured oxtail stewed for five hours with herbs
- Ackee and salt fish: the national dish of Jamaica makes for a hearty breakfast
- Jamaican porridge: another breakfast favourite, can be made with peanut, cornmeal, banana and plantain
- Jamaican beef patty: a pastry with ground beef filling
- Hellshire Pon di Beach: Fresh fish with pickles
- Out of Many: traditional sweet potato pudding
8 traditional Jamaican dishes to try at Kingston 21
- Trench Town Rock: Jamaican-style curry goat served in a pastry basket with a carrot and potato garnish
- Rock Steady Jerk Chicken: chicken marinated for 24 hours and slow-cooked on the grill
- Mento Oxtail: flavoured oxtail stewed for five hours with herbs
- Ackee and salt fish: the national dish of Jamaica makes for a hearty breakfast
- Jamaican porridge: another breakfast favourite, can be made with peanut, cornmeal, banana and plantain
- Jamaican beef patty: a pastry with ground beef filling
- Hellshire Pon di Beach: Fresh fish with pickles
- Out of Many: traditional sweet potato pudding
8 traditional Jamaican dishes to try at Kingston 21
- Trench Town Rock: Jamaican-style curry goat served in a pastry basket with a carrot and potato garnish
- Rock Steady Jerk Chicken: chicken marinated for 24 hours and slow-cooked on the grill
- Mento Oxtail: flavoured oxtail stewed for five hours with herbs
- Ackee and salt fish: the national dish of Jamaica makes for a hearty breakfast
- Jamaican porridge: another breakfast favourite, can be made with peanut, cornmeal, banana and plantain
- Jamaican beef patty: a pastry with ground beef filling
- Hellshire Pon di Beach: Fresh fish with pickles
- Out of Many: traditional sweet potato pudding
8 traditional Jamaican dishes to try at Kingston 21
- Trench Town Rock: Jamaican-style curry goat served in a pastry basket with a carrot and potato garnish
- Rock Steady Jerk Chicken: chicken marinated for 24 hours and slow-cooked on the grill
- Mento Oxtail: flavoured oxtail stewed for five hours with herbs
- Ackee and salt fish: the national dish of Jamaica makes for a hearty breakfast
- Jamaican porridge: another breakfast favourite, can be made with peanut, cornmeal, banana and plantain
- Jamaican beef patty: a pastry with ground beef filling
- Hellshire Pon di Beach: Fresh fish with pickles
- Out of Many: traditional sweet potato pudding
8 traditional Jamaican dishes to try at Kingston 21
- Trench Town Rock: Jamaican-style curry goat served in a pastry basket with a carrot and potato garnish
- Rock Steady Jerk Chicken: chicken marinated for 24 hours and slow-cooked on the grill
- Mento Oxtail: flavoured oxtail stewed for five hours with herbs
- Ackee and salt fish: the national dish of Jamaica makes for a hearty breakfast
- Jamaican porridge: another breakfast favourite, can be made with peanut, cornmeal, banana and plantain
- Jamaican beef patty: a pastry with ground beef filling
- Hellshire Pon di Beach: Fresh fish with pickles
- Out of Many: traditional sweet potato pudding
8 traditional Jamaican dishes to try at Kingston 21
- Trench Town Rock: Jamaican-style curry goat served in a pastry basket with a carrot and potato garnish
- Rock Steady Jerk Chicken: chicken marinated for 24 hours and slow-cooked on the grill
- Mento Oxtail: flavoured oxtail stewed for five hours with herbs
- Ackee and salt fish: the national dish of Jamaica makes for a hearty breakfast
- Jamaican porridge: another breakfast favourite, can be made with peanut, cornmeal, banana and plantain
- Jamaican beef patty: a pastry with ground beef filling
- Hellshire Pon di Beach: Fresh fish with pickles
- Out of Many: traditional sweet potato pudding
8 traditional Jamaican dishes to try at Kingston 21
- Trench Town Rock: Jamaican-style curry goat served in a pastry basket with a carrot and potato garnish
- Rock Steady Jerk Chicken: chicken marinated for 24 hours and slow-cooked on the grill
- Mento Oxtail: flavoured oxtail stewed for five hours with herbs
- Ackee and salt fish: the national dish of Jamaica makes for a hearty breakfast
- Jamaican porridge: another breakfast favourite, can be made with peanut, cornmeal, banana and plantain
- Jamaican beef patty: a pastry with ground beef filling
- Hellshire Pon di Beach: Fresh fish with pickles
- Out of Many: traditional sweet potato pudding
8 traditional Jamaican dishes to try at Kingston 21
- Trench Town Rock: Jamaican-style curry goat served in a pastry basket with a carrot and potato garnish
- Rock Steady Jerk Chicken: chicken marinated for 24 hours and slow-cooked on the grill
- Mento Oxtail: flavoured oxtail stewed for five hours with herbs
- Ackee and salt fish: the national dish of Jamaica makes for a hearty breakfast
- Jamaican porridge: another breakfast favourite, can be made with peanut, cornmeal, banana and plantain
- Jamaican beef patty: a pastry with ground beef filling
- Hellshire Pon di Beach: Fresh fish with pickles
- Out of Many: traditional sweet potato pudding
8 traditional Jamaican dishes to try at Kingston 21
- Trench Town Rock: Jamaican-style curry goat served in a pastry basket with a carrot and potato garnish
- Rock Steady Jerk Chicken: chicken marinated for 24 hours and slow-cooked on the grill
- Mento Oxtail: flavoured oxtail stewed for five hours with herbs
- Ackee and salt fish: the national dish of Jamaica makes for a hearty breakfast
- Jamaican porridge: another breakfast favourite, can be made with peanut, cornmeal, banana and plantain
- Jamaican beef patty: a pastry with ground beef filling
- Hellshire Pon di Beach: Fresh fish with pickles
- Out of Many: traditional sweet potato pudding
8 traditional Jamaican dishes to try at Kingston 21
- Trench Town Rock: Jamaican-style curry goat served in a pastry basket with a carrot and potato garnish
- Rock Steady Jerk Chicken: chicken marinated for 24 hours and slow-cooked on the grill
- Mento Oxtail: flavoured oxtail stewed for five hours with herbs
- Ackee and salt fish: the national dish of Jamaica makes for a hearty breakfast
- Jamaican porridge: another breakfast favourite, can be made with peanut, cornmeal, banana and plantain
- Jamaican beef patty: a pastry with ground beef filling
- Hellshire Pon di Beach: Fresh fish with pickles
- Out of Many: traditional sweet potato pudding
8 traditional Jamaican dishes to try at Kingston 21
- Trench Town Rock: Jamaican-style curry goat served in a pastry basket with a carrot and potato garnish
- Rock Steady Jerk Chicken: chicken marinated for 24 hours and slow-cooked on the grill
- Mento Oxtail: flavoured oxtail stewed for five hours with herbs
- Ackee and salt fish: the national dish of Jamaica makes for a hearty breakfast
- Jamaican porridge: another breakfast favourite, can be made with peanut, cornmeal, banana and plantain
- Jamaican beef patty: a pastry with ground beef filling
- Hellshire Pon di Beach: Fresh fish with pickles
- Out of Many: traditional sweet potato pudding
8 traditional Jamaican dishes to try at Kingston 21
- Trench Town Rock: Jamaican-style curry goat served in a pastry basket with a carrot and potato garnish
- Rock Steady Jerk Chicken: chicken marinated for 24 hours and slow-cooked on the grill
- Mento Oxtail: flavoured oxtail stewed for five hours with herbs
- Ackee and salt fish: the national dish of Jamaica makes for a hearty breakfast
- Jamaican porridge: another breakfast favourite, can be made with peanut, cornmeal, banana and plantain
- Jamaican beef patty: a pastry with ground beef filling
- Hellshire Pon di Beach: Fresh fish with pickles
- Out of Many: traditional sweet potato pudding
8 traditional Jamaican dishes to try at Kingston 21
- Trench Town Rock: Jamaican-style curry goat served in a pastry basket with a carrot and potato garnish
- Rock Steady Jerk Chicken: chicken marinated for 24 hours and slow-cooked on the grill
- Mento Oxtail: flavoured oxtail stewed for five hours with herbs
- Ackee and salt fish: the national dish of Jamaica makes for a hearty breakfast
- Jamaican porridge: another breakfast favourite, can be made with peanut, cornmeal, banana and plantain
- Jamaican beef patty: a pastry with ground beef filling
- Hellshire Pon di Beach: Fresh fish with pickles
- Out of Many: traditional sweet potato pudding
8 traditional Jamaican dishes to try at Kingston 21
- Trench Town Rock: Jamaican-style curry goat served in a pastry basket with a carrot and potato garnish
- Rock Steady Jerk Chicken: chicken marinated for 24 hours and slow-cooked on the grill
- Mento Oxtail: flavoured oxtail stewed for five hours with herbs
- Ackee and salt fish: the national dish of Jamaica makes for a hearty breakfast
- Jamaican porridge: another breakfast favourite, can be made with peanut, cornmeal, banana and plantain
- Jamaican beef patty: a pastry with ground beef filling
- Hellshire Pon di Beach: Fresh fish with pickles
- Out of Many: traditional sweet potato pudding
8 traditional Jamaican dishes to try at Kingston 21
- Trench Town Rock: Jamaican-style curry goat served in a pastry basket with a carrot and potato garnish
- Rock Steady Jerk Chicken: chicken marinated for 24 hours and slow-cooked on the grill
- Mento Oxtail: flavoured oxtail stewed for five hours with herbs
- Ackee and salt fish: the national dish of Jamaica makes for a hearty breakfast
- Jamaican porridge: another breakfast favourite, can be made with peanut, cornmeal, banana and plantain
- Jamaican beef patty: a pastry with ground beef filling
- Hellshire Pon di Beach: Fresh fish with pickles
- Out of Many: traditional sweet potato pudding
8 traditional Jamaican dishes to try at Kingston 21
- Trench Town Rock: Jamaican-style curry goat served in a pastry basket with a carrot and potato garnish
- Rock Steady Jerk Chicken: chicken marinated for 24 hours and slow-cooked on the grill
- Mento Oxtail: flavoured oxtail stewed for five hours with herbs
- Ackee and salt fish: the national dish of Jamaica makes for a hearty breakfast
- Jamaican porridge: another breakfast favourite, can be made with peanut, cornmeal, banana and plantain
- Jamaican beef patty: a pastry with ground beef filling
- Hellshire Pon di Beach: Fresh fish with pickles
- Out of Many: traditional sweet potato pudding
Les spécifications
Moteur: V6 de quatre litres et V6 de 3,5 litres biturbo
Transmission: six vitesses et 10 vitesses
Pouvoir: 271 et 409 chevaux
Couple : 385 et 650Nm
Prix: de Dh229.900 à Dh355.000
Les spécifications
Moteur: V6 de quatre litres et V6 de 3,5 litres biturbo
Transmission: six vitesses et 10 vitesses
Pouvoir: 271 et 409 chevaux
Couple : 385 et 650Nm
Prix: de Dh229.900 à Dh355.000
Les spécifications
Moteur: V6 de quatre litres et V6 de 3,5 litres biturbo
Transmission: six vitesses et 10 vitesses
Pouvoir: 271 et 409 chevaux
Couple : 385 et 650Nm
Prix: de Dh229.900 à Dh355.000
Les spécifications
Moteur: V6 de quatre litres et V6 de 3,5 litres biturbo
Transmission: six vitesses et 10 vitesses
Pouvoir: 271 et 409 chevaux
Couple : 385 et 650Nm
Prix: de Dh229.900 à Dh355.000
Les spécifications
Moteur: V6 de quatre litres et V6 de 3,5 litres biturbo
Transmission: six vitesses et 10 vitesses
Pouvoir: 271 et 409 chevaux
Couple : 385 et 650Nm
Prix: de Dh229.900 à Dh355.000
Les spécifications
Moteur: V6 de quatre litres et V6 de 3,5 litres biturbo
Transmission: six vitesses et 10 vitesses
Pouvoir: 271 et 409 chevaux
Couple : 385 et 650Nm
Prix: de Dh229.900 à Dh355.000
Les spécifications
Moteur: V6 de quatre litres et V6 de 3,5 litres biturbo
Transmission: six vitesses et 10 vitesses
Pouvoir: 271 et 409 chevaux
Couple : 385 et 650Nm
Prix: de Dh229.900 à Dh355.000
Les spécifications
Moteur: V6 de quatre litres et V6 de 3,5 litres biturbo
Transmission: six vitesses et 10 vitesses
Pouvoir: 271 et 409 chevaux
Couple : 385 et 650Nm
Prix: de Dh229.900 à Dh355.000
Les spécifications
Moteur: V6 de quatre litres et V6 de 3,5 litres biturbo
Transmission: six vitesses et 10 vitesses
Pouvoir: 271 et 409 chevaux
Couple : 385 et 650Nm
Prix: de Dh229.900 à Dh355.000
Les spécifications
Moteur: V6 de quatre litres et V6 de 3,5 litres biturbo
Transmission: six vitesses et 10 vitesses
Pouvoir: 271 et 409 chevaux
Couple : 385 et 650Nm
Prix: de Dh229.900 à Dh355.000
Les spécifications
Moteur: V6 de quatre litres et V6 de 3,5 litres biturbo
Transmission: six vitesses et 10 vitesses
Pouvoir: 271 et 409 chevaux
Couple : 385 et 650Nm
Prix: de Dh229.900 à Dh355.000
Les spécifications
Moteur: V6 de quatre litres et V6 de 3,5 litres biturbo
Transmission: six vitesses et 10 vitesses
Pouvoir: 271 et 409 chevaux
Couple : 385 et 650Nm
Prix: de Dh229.900 à Dh355.000
Les spécifications
Moteur: V6 de quatre litres et V6 de 3,5 litres biturbo
Transmission: six vitesses et 10 vitesses
Pouvoir: 271 et 409 chevaux
Couple : 385 et 650Nm
Prix: de Dh229.900 à Dh355.000
Les spécifications
Moteur: V6 de quatre litres et V6 de 3,5 litres biturbo
Transmission: six vitesses et 10 vitesses
Pouvoir: 271 et 409 chevaux
Couple : 385 et 650Nm
Prix: de Dh229.900 à Dh355.000
Les spécifications
Moteur: V6 de quatre litres et V6 de 3,5 litres biturbo
Transmission: six vitesses et 10 vitesses
Pouvoir: 271 et 409 chevaux
Couple : 385 et 650Nm
Prix: de Dh229.900 à Dh355.000
Les spécifications
Moteur: V6 de quatre litres et V6 de 3,5 litres biturbo
Transmission: six vitesses et 10 vitesses
Pouvoir: 271 et 409 chevaux
Couple : 385 et 650Nm
Prix: de Dh229.900 à Dh355.000
Engine: 1.5-litre turbocharged four-cylinder
Transmission: Constant Variable (CVT)
Power: 141bhp
Torque: 250Nm
Price: Dh64,500
On sale: Now
Engine: 1.5-litre turbocharged four-cylinder
Transmission: Constant Variable (CVT)
Power: 141bhp
Torque: 250Nm
Price: Dh64,500
On sale: Now
Engine: 1.5-litre turbocharged four-cylinder
Transmission: Constant Variable (CVT)
Power: 141bhp
Torque: 250Nm
Price: Dh64,500
On sale: Now
Engine: 1.5-litre turbocharged four-cylinder
Transmission: Constant Variable (CVT)
Power: 141bhp
Torque: 250Nm
Price: Dh64,500
On sale: Now
Engine: 1.5-litre turbocharged four-cylinder
Transmission: Constant Variable (CVT)
Power: 141bhp
Torque: 250Nm
Price: Dh64,500
On sale: Now
Engine: 1.5-litre turbocharged four-cylinder
Transmission: Constant Variable (CVT)
Power: 141bhp
Torque: 250Nm
Price: Dh64,500
On sale: Now
Engine: 1.5-litre turbocharged four-cylinder
Transmission: Constant Variable (CVT)
Power: 141bhp
Torque: 250Nm
Price: Dh64,500
On sale: Now
Engine: 1.5-litre turbocharged four-cylinder
Transmission: Constant Variable (CVT)
Power: 141bhp
Torque: 250Nm
Price: Dh64,500
On sale: Now
Engine: 1.5-litre turbocharged four-cylinder
Transmission: Constant Variable (CVT)
Power: 141bhp
Torque: 250Nm
Price: Dh64,500
On sale: Now
Engine: 1.5-litre turbocharged four-cylinder
Transmission: Constant Variable (CVT)
Power: 141bhp
Torque: 250Nm
Price: Dh64,500
On sale: Now
Engine: 1.5-litre turbocharged four-cylinder
Transmission: Constant Variable (CVT)
Power: 141bhp
Torque: 250Nm
Price: Dh64,500
On sale: Now
Engine: 1.5-litre turbocharged four-cylinder
Transmission: Constant Variable (CVT)
Power: 141bhp
Torque: 250Nm
Price: Dh64,500
On sale: Now
Engine: 1.5-litre turbocharged four-cylinder
Transmission: Constant Variable (CVT)
Power: 141bhp
Torque: 250Nm
Price: Dh64,500
On sale: Now
Engine: 1.5-litre turbocharged four-cylinder
Transmission: Constant Variable (CVT)
Power: 141bhp
Torque: 250Nm
Price: Dh64,500
On sale: Now
Engine: 1.5-litre turbocharged four-cylinder
Transmission: Constant Variable (CVT)
Power: 141bhp
Torque: 250Nm
Price: Dh64,500
On sale: Now
Engine: 1.5-litre turbocharged four-cylinder
Transmission: Constant Variable (CVT)
Power: 141bhp
Torque: 250Nm
Price: Dh64,500
On sale: Now
All times UAE (+4 GMT)
VendrediSaint-Etienne v Montpellier (10.45pm)
samediMonaco v Caen (7pm)Amiens v Bordeaux (10pm)Angers v Toulouse (10pm)Metz v Dijon (10pm)Nantes v Guingamp (10pm)Rennes v Lille (10pm)
dimancheNice v Strasbourg (5pm)Troyes v Lyon (7pm)Marseille v Paris Saint-Germain (11pm)
All times UAE (+4 GMT)
VendrediSaint-Etienne v Montpellier (10.45pm)
samediMonaco v Caen (7pm)Amiens v Bordeaux (10pm)Angers v Toulouse (10pm)Metz v Dijon (10pm)Nantes v Guingamp (10pm)Rennes v Lille (10pm)
dimancheNice v Strasbourg (5pm)Troyes v Lyon (7pm)Marseille v Paris Saint-Germain (11pm)
All times UAE (+4 GMT)
VendrediSaint-Etienne v Montpellier (10.45pm)
samediMonaco v Caen (7pm)Amiens v Bordeaux (10pm)Angers v Toulouse (10pm)Metz v Dijon (10pm)Nantes v Guingamp (10pm)Rennes v Lille (10pm)
dimancheNice v Strasbourg (5pm)Troyes v Lyon (7pm)Marseille v Paris Saint-Germain (11pm)
All times UAE (+4 GMT)
VendrediSaint-Etienne v Montpellier (10.45pm)
samediMonaco v Caen (7pm)Amiens v Bordeaux (10pm)Angers v Toulouse (10pm)Metz v Dijon (10pm)Nantes v Guingamp (10pm)Rennes v Lille (10pm)
dimancheNice v Strasbourg (5pm)Troyes v Lyon (7pm)Marseille v Paris Saint-Germain (11pm)
All times UAE (+4 GMT)
VendrediSaint-Etienne v Montpellier (10.45pm)
samediMonaco v Caen (7pm)Amiens v Bordeaux (10pm)Angers v Toulouse (10pm)Metz v Dijon (10pm)Nantes v Guingamp (10pm)Rennes v Lille (10pm)
dimancheNice v Strasbourg (5pm)Troyes v Lyon (7pm)Marseille v Paris Saint-Germain (11pm)
All times UAE (+4 GMT)
VendrediSaint-Etienne v Montpellier (10.45pm)
samediMonaco v Caen (7pm)Amiens v Bordeaux (10pm)Angers v Toulouse (10pm)Metz v Dijon (10pm)Nantes v Guingamp (10pm)Rennes v Lille (10pm)
dimancheNice v Strasbourg (5pm)Troyes v Lyon (7pm)Marseille v Paris Saint-Germain (11pm)
All times UAE (+4 GMT)
VendrediSaint-Etienne v Montpellier (10.45pm)
samediMonaco v Caen (7pm)Amiens v Bordeaux (10pm)Angers v Toulouse (10pm)Metz v Dijon (10pm)Nantes v Guingamp (10pm)Rennes v Lille (10pm)
dimancheNice v Strasbourg (5pm)Troyes v Lyon (7pm)Marseille v Paris Saint-Germain (11pm)
All times UAE (+4 GMT)
VendrediSaint-Etienne v Montpellier (10.45pm)
samediMonaco v Caen (7pm)Amiens v Bordeaux (10pm)Angers v Toulouse (10pm)Metz v Dijon (10pm)Nantes v Guingamp (10pm)Rennes v Lille (10pm)
dimancheNice v Strasbourg (5pm)Troyes v Lyon (7pm)Marseille v Paris Saint-Germain (11pm)
All times UAE (+4 GMT)
VendrediSaint-Etienne v Montpellier (10.45pm)
samediMonaco v Caen (7pm)Amiens v Bordeaux (10pm)Angers v Toulouse (10pm)Metz v Dijon (10pm)Nantes v Guingamp (10pm)Rennes v Lille (10pm)
dimancheNice v Strasbourg (5pm)Troyes v Lyon (7pm)Marseille v Paris Saint-Germain (11pm)
All times UAE (+4 GMT)
VendrediSaint-Etienne v Montpellier (10.45pm)
samediMonaco v Caen (7pm)Amiens v Bordeaux (10pm)Angers v Toulouse (10pm)Metz v Dijon (10pm)Nantes v Guingamp (10pm)Rennes v Lille (10pm)
dimancheNice v Strasbourg (5pm)Troyes v Lyon (7pm)Marseille v Paris Saint-Germain (11pm)
All times UAE (+4 GMT)
VendrediSaint-Etienne v Montpellier (10.45pm)
samediMonaco v Caen (7pm)Amiens v Bordeaux (10pm)Angers v Toulouse (10pm)Metz v Dijon (10pm)Nantes v Guingamp (10pm)Rennes v Lille (10pm)
dimancheNice v Strasbourg (5pm)Troyes v Lyon (7pm)Marseille v Paris Saint-Germain (11pm)
All times UAE (+4 GMT)
VendrediSaint-Etienne v Montpellier (10.45pm)
samediMonaco v Caen (7pm)Amiens v Bordeaux (10pm)Angers v Toulouse (10pm)Metz v Dijon (10pm)Nantes v Guingamp (10pm)Rennes v Lille (10pm)
dimancheNice v Strasbourg (5pm)Troyes v Lyon (7pm)Marseille v Paris Saint-Germain (11pm)
All times UAE (+4 GMT)
VendrediSaint-Etienne v Montpellier (10.45pm)
samediMonaco v Caen (7pm)Amiens v Bordeaux (10pm)Angers v Toulouse (10pm)Metz v Dijon (10pm)Nantes v Guingamp (10pm)Rennes v Lille (10pm)
dimancheNice v Strasbourg (5pm)Troyes v Lyon (7pm)Marseille v Paris Saint-Germain (11pm)
All times UAE (+4 GMT)
VendrediSaint-Etienne v Montpellier (10.45pm)
samediMonaco v Caen (7pm)Amiens v Bordeaux (10pm)Angers v Toulouse (10pm)Metz v Dijon (10pm)Nantes v Guingamp (10pm)Rennes v Lille (10pm)
dimancheNice v Strasbourg (5pm)Troyes v Lyon (7pm)Marseille v Paris Saint-Germain (11pm)
All times UAE (+4 GMT)
VendrediSaint-Etienne v Montpellier (10.45pm)
samediMonaco v Caen (7pm)Amiens v Bordeaux (10pm)Angers v Toulouse (10pm)Metz v Dijon (10pm)Nantes v Guingamp (10pm)Rennes v Lille (10pm)
dimancheNice v Strasbourg (5pm)Troyes v Lyon (7pm)Marseille v Paris Saint-Germain (11pm)
All times UAE (+4 GMT)
VendrediSaint-Etienne v Montpellier (10.45pm)
samediMonaco v Caen (7pm)Amiens v Bordeaux (10pm)Angers v Toulouse (10pm)Metz v Dijon (10pm)Nantes v Guingamp (10pm)Rennes v Lille (10pm)
dimancheNice v Strasbourg (5pm)Troyes v Lyon (7pm)Marseille v Paris Saint-Germain (11pm)
Best Academy: Ajax and Benfica
Best Agent: Jorge Mendes
Best Club : Liverpool
Best Coach: Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool)
Best Goalkeeper: Alisson Becker
Best Men’s Player: Cristiano Ronaldo
Best Partnership of the Year Award by SportBusiness: Manchester City and SAP
Best Referee: Stephanie Frappart
Best Revelation Player: Joao Felix (Atletico Madrid and Portugal)
Best Sporting Director: Andrea Berta (Atletico Madrid)
Best Women’s Player: Lucy Bronze
Best Young Arab Player: Achraf Hakimi
Kooora – Best Arab Club: Al Hilal (Saudi Arabia)
Kooora – Best Arab Player: Abderrazak Hamdallah (Al-Nassr FC, Saudi Arabia)
Player Career Award: Miralem Pjanic and Ryan Giggs
Best Academy: Ajax and Benfica
Best Agent: Jorge Mendes
Best Club : Liverpool
Best Coach: Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool)
Best Goalkeeper: Alisson Becker
Best Men’s Player: Cristiano Ronaldo
Best Partnership of the Year Award by SportBusiness: Manchester City and SAP
Best Referee: Stephanie Frappart
Best Revelation Player: Joao Felix (Atletico Madrid and Portugal)
Best Sporting Director: Andrea Berta (Atletico Madrid)
Best Women’s Player: Lucy Bronze
Best Young Arab Player: Achraf Hakimi
Kooora – Best Arab Club: Al Hilal (Saudi Arabia)
Kooora – Best Arab Player: Abderrazak Hamdallah (Al-Nassr FC, Saudi Arabia)
Player Career Award: Miralem Pjanic and Ryan Giggs
Best Academy: Ajax and Benfica
Best Agent: Jorge Mendes
Best Club : Liverpool
Best Coach: Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool)
Best Goalkeeper: Alisson Becker
Best Men’s Player: Cristiano Ronaldo
Best Partnership of the Year Award by SportBusiness: Manchester City and SAP
Best Referee: Stephanie Frappart
Best Revelation Player: Joao Felix (Atletico Madrid and Portugal)
Best Sporting Director: Andrea Berta (Atletico Madrid)
Best Women’s Player: Lucy Bronze
Best Young Arab Player: Achraf Hakimi
Kooora – Best Arab Club: Al Hilal (Saudi Arabia)
Kooora – Best Arab Player: Abderrazak Hamdallah (Al-Nassr FC, Saudi Arabia)
Player Career Award: Miralem Pjanic and Ryan Giggs
Best Academy: Ajax and Benfica
Best Agent: Jorge Mendes
Best Club : Liverpool
Best Coach: Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool)
Best Goalkeeper: Alisson Becker
Best Men’s Player: Cristiano Ronaldo
Best Partnership of the Year Award by SportBusiness: Manchester City and SAP
Best Referee: Stephanie Frappart
Best Revelation Player: Joao Felix (Atletico Madrid and Portugal)
Best Sporting Director: Andrea Berta (Atletico Madrid)
Best Women’s Player: Lucy Bronze
Best Young Arab Player: Achraf Hakimi
Kooora – Best Arab Club: Al Hilal (Saudi Arabia)
Kooora – Best Arab Player: Abderrazak Hamdallah (Al-Nassr FC, Saudi Arabia)
Player Career Award: Miralem Pjanic and Ryan Giggs
Best Academy: Ajax and Benfica
Best Agent: Jorge Mendes
Best Club : Liverpool
Best Coach: Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool)
Best Goalkeeper: Alisson Becker
Best Men’s Player: Cristiano Ronaldo
Best Partnership of the Year Award by SportBusiness: Manchester City and SAP
Best Referee: Stephanie Frappart
Best Revelation Player: Joao Felix (Atletico Madrid and Portugal)
Best Sporting Director: Andrea Berta (Atletico Madrid)
Best Women’s Player: Lucy Bronze
Best Young Arab Player: Achraf Hakimi
Kooora – Best Arab Club: Al Hilal (Saudi Arabia)
Kooora – Best Arab Player: Abderrazak Hamdallah (Al-Nassr FC, Saudi Arabia)
Player Career Award: Miralem Pjanic and Ryan Giggs
Best Academy: Ajax and Benfica
Best Agent: Jorge Mendes
Best Club : Liverpool
Best Coach: Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool)
Best Goalkeeper: Alisson Becker
Best Men’s Player: Cristiano Ronaldo
Best Partnership of the Year Award by SportBusiness: Manchester City and SAP
Best Referee: Stephanie Frappart
Best Revelation Player: Joao Felix (Atletico Madrid and Portugal)
Best Sporting Director: Andrea Berta (Atletico Madrid)
Best Women’s Player: Lucy Bronze
Best Young Arab Player: Achraf Hakimi
Kooora – Best Arab Club: Al Hilal (Saudi Arabia)
Kooora – Best Arab Player: Abderrazak Hamdallah (Al-Nassr FC, Saudi Arabia)
Player Career Award: Miralem Pjanic and Ryan Giggs
Best Academy: Ajax and Benfica
Best Agent: Jorge Mendes
Best Club : Liverpool
Best Coach: Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool)
Best Goalkeeper: Alisson Becker
Best Men’s Player: Cristiano Ronaldo
Best Partnership of the Year Award by SportBusiness: Manchester City and SAP
Best Referee: Stephanie Frappart
Best Revelation Player: Joao Felix (Atletico Madrid and Portugal)
Best Sporting Director: Andrea Berta (Atletico Madrid)
Best Women’s Player: Lucy Bronze
Best Young Arab Player: Achraf Hakimi
Kooora – Best Arab Club: Al Hilal (Saudi Arabia)
Kooora – Best Arab Player: Abderrazak Hamdallah (Al-Nassr FC, Saudi Arabia)
Player Career Award: Miralem Pjanic and Ryan Giggs
Best Academy: Ajax and Benfica
Best Agent: Jorge Mendes
Best Club : Liverpool
Best Coach: Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool)
Best Goalkeeper: Alisson Becker
Best Men’s Player: Cristiano Ronaldo
Best Partnership of the Year Award by SportBusiness: Manchester City and SAP
Best Referee: Stephanie Frappart
Best Revelation Player: Joao Felix (Atletico Madrid and Portugal)
Best Sporting Director: Andrea Berta (Atletico Madrid)
Best Women’s Player: Lucy Bronze
Best Young Arab Player: Achraf Hakimi
Kooora – Best Arab Club: Al Hilal (Saudi Arabia)
Kooora – Best Arab Player: Abderrazak Hamdallah (Al-Nassr FC, Saudi Arabia)
Player Career Award: Miralem Pjanic and Ryan Giggs
Best Academy: Ajax and Benfica
Best Agent: Jorge Mendes
Best Club : Liverpool
Best Coach: Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool)
Best Goalkeeper: Alisson Becker
Best Men’s Player: Cristiano Ronaldo
Best Partnership of the Year Award by SportBusiness: Manchester City and SAP
Best Referee: Stephanie Frappart
Best Revelation Player: Joao Felix (Atletico Madrid and Portugal)
Best Sporting Director: Andrea Berta (Atletico Madrid)
Best Women’s Player: Lucy Bronze
Best Young Arab Player: Achraf Hakimi
Kooora – Best Arab Club: Al Hilal (Saudi Arabia)
Kooora – Best Arab Player: Abderrazak Hamdallah (Al-Nassr FC, Saudi Arabia)
Player Career Award: Miralem Pjanic and Ryan Giggs
Best Academy: Ajax and Benfica
Best Agent: Jorge Mendes
Best Club : Liverpool
Best Coach: Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool)
Best Goalkeeper: Alisson Becker
Best Men’s Player: Cristiano Ronaldo
Best Partnership of the Year Award by SportBusiness: Manchester City and SAP
Best Referee: Stephanie Frappart
Best Revelation Player: Joao Felix (Atletico Madrid and Portugal)
Best Sporting Director: Andrea Berta (Atletico Madrid)
Best Women’s Player: Lucy Bronze
Best Young Arab Player: Achraf Hakimi
Kooora – Best Arab Club: Al Hilal (Saudi Arabia)
Kooora – Best Arab Player: Abderrazak Hamdallah (Al-Nassr FC, Saudi Arabia)
Player Career Award: Miralem Pjanic and Ryan Giggs
Best Academy: Ajax and Benfica
Best Agent: Jorge Mendes
Best Club : Liverpool
Best Coach: Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool)
Best Goalkeeper: Alisson Becker
Best Men’s Player: Cristiano Ronaldo
Best Partnership of the Year Award by SportBusiness: Manchester City and SAP
Best Referee: Stephanie Frappart
Best Revelation Player: Joao Felix (Atletico Madrid and Portugal)
Best Sporting Director: Andrea Berta (Atletico Madrid)
Best Women’s Player: Lucy Bronze
Best Young Arab Player: Achraf Hakimi
Kooora – Best Arab Club: Al Hilal (Saudi Arabia)
Kooora – Best Arab Player: Abderrazak Hamdallah (Al-Nassr FC, Saudi Arabia)
Player Career Award: Miralem Pjanic and Ryan Giggs
Best Academy: Ajax and Benfica
Best Agent: Jorge Mendes
Best Club : Liverpool
Best Coach: Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool)
Best Goalkeeper: Alisson Becker
Best Men’s Player: Cristiano Ronaldo
Best Partnership of the Year Award by SportBusiness: Manchester City and SAP
Best Referee: Stephanie Frappart
Best Revelation Player: Joao Felix (Atletico Madrid and Portugal)
Best Sporting Director: Andrea Berta (Atletico Madrid)
Best Women’s Player: Lucy Bronze
Best Young Arab Player: Achraf Hakimi
Kooora – Best Arab Club: Al Hilal (Saudi Arabia)
Kooora – Best Arab Player: Abderrazak Hamdallah (Al-Nassr FC, Saudi Arabia)
Player Career Award: Miralem Pjanic and Ryan Giggs
Best Academy: Ajax and Benfica
Best Agent: Jorge Mendes
Best Club : Liverpool
Best Coach: Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool)
Best Goalkeeper: Alisson Becker
Best Men’s Player: Cristiano Ronaldo
Best Partnership of the Year Award by SportBusiness: Manchester City and SAP
Best Referee: Stephanie Frappart
Best Revelation Player: Joao Felix (Atletico Madrid and Portugal)
Best Sporting Director: Andrea Berta (Atletico Madrid)
Best Women’s Player: Lucy Bronze
Best Young Arab Player: Achraf Hakimi
Kooora – Best Arab Club: Al Hilal (Saudi Arabia)
Kooora – Best Arab Player: Abderrazak Hamdallah (Al-Nassr FC, Saudi Arabia)
Player Career Award: Miralem Pjanic and Ryan Giggs
Best Academy: Ajax and Benfica
Best Agent: Jorge Mendes
Best Club : Liverpool
Best Coach: Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool)
Best Goalkeeper: Alisson Becker
Best Men’s Player: Cristiano Ronaldo
Best Partnership of the Year Award by SportBusiness: Manchester City and SAP
Best Referee: Stephanie Frappart
Best Revelation Player: Joao Felix (Atletico Madrid and Portugal)
Best Sporting Director: Andrea Berta (Atletico Madrid)
Best Women’s Player: Lucy Bronze
Best Young Arab Player: Achraf Hakimi
Kooora – Best Arab Club: Al Hilal (Saudi Arabia)
Kooora – Best Arab Player: Abderrazak Hamdallah (Al-Nassr FC, Saudi Arabia)
Player Career Award: Miralem Pjanic and Ryan Giggs
Best Academy: Ajax and Benfica
Best Agent: Jorge Mendes
Best Club : Liverpool
Best Coach: Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool)
Best Goalkeeper: Alisson Becker
Best Men’s Player: Cristiano Ronaldo
Best Partnership of the Year Award by SportBusiness: Manchester City and SAP
Best Referee: Stephanie Frappart
Best Revelation Player: Joao Felix (Atletico Madrid and Portugal)
Best Sporting Director: Andrea Berta (Atletico Madrid)
Best Women’s Player: Lucy Bronze
Best Young Arab Player: Achraf Hakimi
Kooora – Best Arab Club: Al Hilal (Saudi Arabia)
Kooora – Best Arab Player: Abderrazak Hamdallah (Al-Nassr FC, Saudi Arabia)
Player Career Award: Miralem Pjanic and Ryan Giggs
Best Academy: Ajax and Benfica
Best Agent: Jorge Mendes
Best Club : Liverpool
Best Coach: Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool)
Best Goalkeeper: Alisson Becker
Best Men’s Player: Cristiano Ronaldo
Best Partnership of the Year Award by SportBusiness: Manchester City and SAP
Best Referee: Stephanie Frappart
Best Revelation Player: Joao Felix (Atletico Madrid and Portugal)
Best Sporting Director: Andrea Berta (Atletico Madrid)
Best Women’s Player: Lucy Bronze
Best Young Arab Player: Achraf Hakimi
Kooora – Best Arab Club: Al Hilal (Saudi Arabia)
Kooora – Best Arab Player: Abderrazak Hamdallah (Al-Nassr FC, Saudi Arabia)
Player Career Award: Miralem Pjanic and Ryan Giggs
The specs: 2018 Maxus T60
Price, base / as tested: Dh48,000
Engine: 2.4-litre four-cylinder
Power: 136hp @ 1,600rpm
Torque: 360Nm @ 1,600 rpm
Transmission: Five-speed manual
Fuel consumption, combined: 9.1L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Maxus T60
Price, base / as tested: Dh48,000
Engine: 2.4-litre four-cylinder
Power: 136hp @ 1,600rpm
Torque: 360Nm @ 1,600 rpm
Transmission: Five-speed manual
Fuel consumption, combined: 9.1L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Maxus T60
Price, base / as tested: Dh48,000
Engine: 2.4-litre four-cylinder
Power: 136hp @ 1,600rpm
Torque: 360Nm @ 1,600 rpm
Transmission: Five-speed manual
Fuel consumption, combined: 9.1L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Maxus T60
Price, base / as tested: Dh48,000
Engine: 2.4-litre four-cylinder
Power: 136hp @ 1,600rpm
Torque: 360Nm @ 1,600 rpm
Transmission: Five-speed manual
Fuel consumption, combined: 9.1L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Maxus T60
Price, base / as tested: Dh48,000
Engine: 2.4-litre four-cylinder
Power: 136hp @ 1,600rpm
Torque: 360Nm @ 1,600 rpm
Transmission: Five-speed manual
Fuel consumption, combined: 9.1L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Maxus T60
Price, base / as tested: Dh48,000
Engine: 2.4-litre four-cylinder
Power: 136hp @ 1,600rpm
Torque: 360Nm @ 1,600 rpm
Transmission: Five-speed manual
Fuel consumption, combined: 9.1L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Maxus T60
Price, base / as tested: Dh48,000
Engine: 2.4-litre four-cylinder
Power: 136hp @ 1,600rpm
Torque: 360Nm @ 1,600 rpm
Transmission: Five-speed manual
Fuel consumption, combined: 9.1L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Maxus T60
Price, base / as tested: Dh48,000
Engine: 2.4-litre four-cylinder
Power: 136hp @ 1,600rpm
Torque: 360Nm @ 1,600 rpm
Transmission: Five-speed manual
Fuel consumption, combined: 9.1L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Maxus T60
Price, base / as tested: Dh48,000
Engine: 2.4-litre four-cylinder
Power: 136hp @ 1,600rpm
Torque: 360Nm @ 1,600 rpm
Transmission: Five-speed manual
Fuel consumption, combined: 9.1L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Maxus T60
Price, base / as tested: Dh48,000
Engine: 2.4-litre four-cylinder
Power: 136hp @ 1,600rpm
Torque: 360Nm @ 1,600 rpm
Transmission: Five-speed manual
Fuel consumption, combined: 9.1L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Maxus T60
Price, base / as tested: Dh48,000
Engine: 2.4-litre four-cylinder
Power: 136hp @ 1,600rpm
Torque: 360Nm @ 1,600 rpm
Transmission: Five-speed manual
Fuel consumption, combined: 9.1L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Maxus T60
Price, base / as tested: Dh48,000
Engine: 2.4-litre four-cylinder
Power: 136hp @ 1,600rpm
Torque: 360Nm @ 1,600 rpm
Transmission: Five-speed manual
Fuel consumption, combined: 9.1L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Maxus T60
Price, base / as tested: Dh48,000
Engine: 2.4-litre four-cylinder
Power: 136hp @ 1,600rpm
Torque: 360Nm @ 1,600 rpm
Transmission: Five-speed manual
Fuel consumption, combined: 9.1L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Maxus T60
Price, base / as tested: Dh48,000
Engine: 2.4-litre four-cylinder
Power: 136hp @ 1,600rpm
Torque: 360Nm @ 1,600 rpm
Transmission: Five-speed manual
Fuel consumption, combined: 9.1L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Maxus T60
Price, base / as tested: Dh48,000
Engine: 2.4-litre four-cylinder
Power: 136hp @ 1,600rpm
Torque: 360Nm @ 1,600 rpm
Transmission: Five-speed manual
Fuel consumption, combined: 9.1L / 100km
The specs: 2018 Maxus T60
Price, base / as tested: Dh48,000
Engine: 2.4-litre four-cylinder
Power: 136hp @ 1,600rpm
Torque: 360Nm @ 1,600 rpm
Transmission: Five-speed manual
Fuel consumption, combined: 9.1L / 100km
Quotations for a standard “silver” package:
House type/size
Studio apartment
1-bedroom apartment
2-bedroom apartment
3-bedroom apartment
4-bedroom apartment
5-bedroom apartment
1-bedroom villa
2-bedroom villa
3-bedroom villa
4-bedroom villa
5-bedroom villa
* Mr Usta packages with five service providers
* Includes: yearly AC maintenance, checks of electrical fittings & plumbing units, minor repairs, 1 handyman service, 5 emergency call-outs, 10% discount on out-of-scope jobs
* +Dh250 for maid’s rooms in apartments and +Dh500 for maid’s rooms in villas
Quotations for a standard “silver” package:
House type/size
Studio apartment
1-bedroom apartment
2-bedroom apartment
3-bedroom apartment
4-bedroom apartment
5-bedroom apartment
1-bedroom villa
2-bedroom villa
3-bedroom villa
4-bedroom villa
5-bedroom villa
* Mr Usta packages with five service providers
* Includes: yearly AC maintenance, checks of electrical fittings & plumbing units, minor repairs, 1 handyman service, 5 emergency call-outs, 10% discount on out-of-scope jobs
* +Dh250 for maid’s rooms in apartments and +Dh500 for maid’s rooms in villas
Quotations for a standard “silver” package:
House type/size
Studio apartment
1-bedroom apartment
2-bedroom apartment
3-bedroom apartment
4-bedroom apartment
5-bedroom apartment
1-bedroom villa
2-bedroom villa
3-bedroom villa
4-bedroom villa
5-bedroom villa
* Mr Usta packages with five service providers
* Includes: yearly AC maintenance, checks of electrical fittings & plumbing units, minor repairs, 1 handyman service, 5 emergency call-outs, 10% discount on out-of-scope jobs
* +Dh250 for maid’s rooms in apartments and +Dh500 for maid’s rooms in villas
Quotations for a standard “silver” package:
House type/size
Studio apartment
1-bedroom apartment
2-bedroom apartment
3-bedroom apartment
4-bedroom apartment
5-bedroom apartment
1-bedroom villa
2-bedroom villa
3-bedroom villa
4-bedroom villa
5-bedroom villa
* Mr Usta packages with five service providers
* Includes: yearly AC maintenance, checks of electrical fittings & plumbing units, minor repairs, 1 handyman service, 5 emergency call-outs, 10% discount on out-of-scope jobs
* +Dh250 for maid’s rooms in apartments and +Dh500 for maid’s rooms in villas
Quotations for a standard “silver” package:
House type/size
Studio apartment
1-bedroom apartment
2-bedroom apartment
3-bedroom apartment
4-bedroom apartment
5-bedroom apartment
1-bedroom villa
2-bedroom villa
3-bedroom villa
4-bedroom villa
5-bedroom villa
* Mr Usta packages with five service providers
* Includes: yearly AC maintenance, checks of electrical fittings & plumbing units, minor repairs, 1 handyman service, 5 emergency call-outs, 10% discount on out-of-scope jobs
* +Dh250 for maid’s rooms in apartments and +Dh500 for maid’s rooms in villas
Quotations for a standard “silver” package:
House type/size
Studio apartment
1-bedroom apartment
2-bedroom apartment
3-bedroom apartment
4-bedroom apartment
5-bedroom apartment
1-bedroom villa
2-bedroom villa
3-bedroom villa
4-bedroom villa
5-bedroom villa
* Mr Usta packages with five service providers
* Includes: yearly AC maintenance, checks of electrical fittings & plumbing units, minor repairs, 1 handyman service, 5 emergency call-outs, 10% discount on out-of-scope jobs
* +Dh250 for maid’s rooms in apartments and +Dh500 for maid’s rooms in villas
Quotations for a standard “silver” package:
House type/size
Studio apartment
1-bedroom apartment
2-bedroom apartment
3-bedroom apartment
4-bedroom apartment
5-bedroom apartment
1-bedroom villa
2-bedroom villa
3-bedroom villa
4-bedroom villa
5-bedroom villa
* Mr Usta packages with five service providers
* Includes: yearly AC maintenance, checks of electrical fittings & plumbing units, minor repairs, 1 handyman service, 5 emergency call-outs, 10% discount on out-of-scope jobs
* +Dh250 for maid’s rooms in apartments and +Dh500 for maid’s rooms in villas
Quotations for a standard “silver” package:
House type/size
Studio apartment
1-bedroom apartment
2-bedroom apartment
3-bedroom apartment
4-bedroom apartment
5-bedroom apartment
1-bedroom villa
2-bedroom villa
3-bedroom villa
4-bedroom villa
5-bedroom villa
* Mr Usta packages with five service providers
* Includes: yearly AC maintenance, checks of electrical fittings & plumbing units, minor repairs, 1 handyman service, 5 emergency call-outs, 10% discount on out-of-scope jobs
* +Dh250 for maid’s rooms in apartments and +Dh500 for maid’s rooms in villas
Quotations for a standard “silver” package:
House type/size
Studio apartment
1-bedroom apartment
2-bedroom apartment
3-bedroom apartment
4-bedroom apartment
5-bedroom apartment
1-bedroom villa
2-bedroom villa
3-bedroom villa
4-bedroom villa
5-bedroom villa
* Mr Usta packages with five service providers
* Includes: yearly AC maintenance, checks of electrical fittings & plumbing units, minor repairs, 1 handyman service, 5 emergency call-outs, 10% discount on out-of-scope jobs
* +Dh250 for maid’s rooms in apartments and +Dh500 for maid’s rooms in villas
Quotations for a standard “silver” package:
House type/size
Studio apartment
1-bedroom apartment
2-bedroom apartment
3-bedroom apartment
4-bedroom apartment
5-bedroom apartment
1-bedroom villa
2-bedroom villa
3-bedroom villa
4-bedroom villa
5-bedroom villa
* Mr Usta packages with five service providers
* Includes: yearly AC maintenance, checks of electrical fittings & plumbing units, minor repairs, 1 handyman service, 5 emergency call-outs, 10% discount on out-of-scope jobs
* +Dh250 for maid’s rooms in apartments and +Dh500 for maid’s rooms in villas
Quotations for a standard “silver” package:
House type/size
Studio apartment
1-bedroom apartment
2-bedroom apartment
3-bedroom apartment
4-bedroom apartment
5-bedroom apartment
1-bedroom villa
2-bedroom villa
3-bedroom villa
4-bedroom villa
5-bedroom villa
* Mr Usta packages with five service providers
* Includes: yearly AC maintenance, checks of electrical fittings & plumbing units, minor repairs, 1 handyman service, 5 emergency call-outs, 10% discount on out-of-scope jobs
* +Dh250 for maid’s rooms in apartments and +Dh500 for maid’s rooms in villas
Quotations for a standard “silver” package:
House type/size
Studio apartment
1-bedroom apartment
2-bedroom apartment
3-bedroom apartment
4-bedroom apartment
5-bedroom apartment
1-bedroom villa
2-bedroom villa
3-bedroom villa
4-bedroom villa
5-bedroom villa
* Mr Usta packages with five service providers
* Includes: yearly AC maintenance, checks of electrical fittings & plumbing units, minor repairs, 1 handyman service, 5 emergency call-outs, 10% discount on out-of-scope jobs
* +Dh250 for maid’s rooms in apartments and +Dh500 for maid’s rooms in villas
Quotations for a standard “silver” package:
House type/size
Studio apartment
1-bedroom apartment
2-bedroom apartment
3-bedroom apartment
4-bedroom apartment
5-bedroom apartment
1-bedroom villa
2-bedroom villa
3-bedroom villa
4-bedroom villa
5-bedroom villa
* Mr Usta packages with five service providers
* Includes: yearly AC maintenance, checks of electrical fittings & plumbing units, minor repairs, 1 handyman service, 5 emergency call-outs, 10% discount on out-of-scope jobs
* +Dh250 for maid’s rooms in apartments and +Dh500 for maid’s rooms in villas
Quotations for a standard “silver” package:
House type/size
Studio apartment
1-bedroom apartment
2-bedroom apartment
3-bedroom apartment
4-bedroom apartment
5-bedroom apartment
1-bedroom villa
2-bedroom villa
3-bedroom villa
4-bedroom villa
5-bedroom villa
* Mr Usta packages with five service providers
* Includes: yearly AC maintenance, checks of electrical fittings & plumbing units, minor repairs, 1 handyman service, 5 emergency call-outs, 10% discount on out-of-scope jobs
* +Dh250 for maid’s rooms in apartments and +Dh500 for maid’s rooms in villas
Quotations for a standard “silver” package:
House type/size
Studio apartment
1-bedroom apartment
2-bedroom apartment
3-bedroom apartment
4-bedroom apartment
5-bedroom apartment
1-bedroom villa
2-bedroom villa
3-bedroom villa
4-bedroom villa
5-bedroom villa
* Mr Usta packages with five service providers
* Includes: yearly AC maintenance, checks of electrical fittings & plumbing units, minor repairs, 1 handyman service, 5 emergency call-outs, 10% discount on out-of-scope jobs
* +Dh250 for maid’s rooms in apartments and +Dh500 for maid’s rooms in villas
Quotations for a standard “silver” package:
House type/size
Studio apartment
1-bedroom apartment
2-bedroom apartment
3-bedroom apartment
4-bedroom apartment
5-bedroom apartment
1-bedroom villa
2-bedroom villa
3-bedroom villa
4-bedroom villa
5-bedroom villa
* Mr Usta packages with five service providers
* Includes: yearly AC maintenance, checks of electrical fittings & plumbing units, minor repairs, 1 handyman service, 5 emergency call-outs, 10% discount on out-of-scope jobs
* +Dh250 for maid’s rooms in apartments and +Dh500 for maid’s rooms in villas
‘Laal Kaptaan’
Réalisateur: Navdeep Singh
Stars: Saif Ali Khan, Manav Vij, Deepak Dobriyal, Zoya Hussain
Rating: 2/5
‘Laal Kaptaan’
Réalisateur: Navdeep Singh
Stars: Saif Ali Khan, Manav Vij, Deepak Dobriyal, Zoya Hussain
Rating: 2/5
‘Laal Kaptaan’
Réalisateur: Navdeep Singh
Stars: Saif Ali Khan, Manav Vij, Deepak Dobriyal, Zoya Hussain
Rating: 2/5
‘Laal Kaptaan’
Réalisateur: Navdeep Singh
Stars: Saif Ali Khan, Manav Vij, Deepak Dobriyal, Zoya Hussain
Rating: 2/5
‘Laal Kaptaan’
Réalisateur: Navdeep Singh
Stars: Saif Ali Khan, Manav Vij, Deepak Dobriyal, Zoya Hussain
Rating: 2/5
‘Laal Kaptaan’
Réalisateur: Navdeep Singh
Stars: Saif Ali Khan, Manav Vij, Deepak Dobriyal, Zoya Hussain
Rating: 2/5
‘Laal Kaptaan’
Réalisateur: Navdeep Singh
Stars: Saif Ali Khan, Manav Vij, Deepak Dobriyal, Zoya Hussain
Rating: 2/5
‘Laal Kaptaan’
Réalisateur: Navdeep Singh
Stars: Saif Ali Khan, Manav Vij, Deepak Dobriyal, Zoya Hussain
Rating: 2/5
‘Laal Kaptaan’
Réalisateur: Navdeep Singh
Stars: Saif Ali Khan, Manav Vij, Deepak Dobriyal, Zoya Hussain
Rating: 2/5
‘Laal Kaptaan’
Réalisateur: Navdeep Singh
Stars: Saif Ali Khan, Manav Vij, Deepak Dobriyal, Zoya Hussain
Rating: 2/5
‘Laal Kaptaan’
Réalisateur: Navdeep Singh
Stars: Saif Ali Khan, Manav Vij, Deepak Dobriyal, Zoya Hussain
Rating: 2/5
‘Laal Kaptaan’
Réalisateur: Navdeep Singh
Stars: Saif Ali Khan, Manav Vij, Deepak Dobriyal, Zoya Hussain
Rating: 2/5
‘Laal Kaptaan’
Réalisateur: Navdeep Singh
Stars: Saif Ali Khan, Manav Vij, Deepak Dobriyal, Zoya Hussain
Rating: 2/5
‘Laal Kaptaan’
Réalisateur: Navdeep Singh
Stars: Saif Ali Khan, Manav Vij, Deepak Dobriyal, Zoya Hussain
Rating: 2/5
‘Laal Kaptaan’
Réalisateur: Navdeep Singh
Stars: Saif Ali Khan, Manav Vij, Deepak Dobriyal, Zoya Hussain
Rating: 2/5
‘Laal Kaptaan’
Réalisateur: Navdeep Singh
Stars: Saif Ali Khan, Manav Vij, Deepak Dobriyal, Zoya Hussain
Rating: 2/5
Company: Instabug
Founded: 2013
Based: Egypt, Cairo
Sector: IT
Employees: 100
Stage: Series A
Investors: Flat6Labs, Accel, Y Combinator and angel investors
Company: Instabug
Founded: 2013
Based: Egypt, Cairo
Sector: IT
Employees: 100
Stage: Series A
Investors: Flat6Labs, Accel, Y Combinator and angel investors
Company: Instabug
Founded: 2013
Based: Egypt, Cairo
Sector: IT
Employees: 100
Stage: Series A
Investors: Flat6Labs, Accel, Y Combinator and angel investors
Company: Instabug
Founded: 2013
Based: Egypt, Cairo
Sector: IT
Employees: 100
Stage: Series A
Investors: Flat6Labs, Accel, Y Combinator and angel investors
Company: Instabug
Founded: 2013
Based: Egypt, Cairo
Sector: IT
Employees: 100
Stage: Series A
Investors: Flat6Labs, Accel, Y Combinator and angel investors
Company: Instabug
Founded: 2013
Based: Egypt, Cairo
Sector: IT
Employees: 100
Stage: Series A
Investors: Flat6Labs, Accel, Y Combinator and angel investors
Company: Instabug
Founded: 2013
Based: Egypt, Cairo
Sector: IT
Employees: 100
Stage: Series A
Investors: Flat6Labs, Accel, Y Combinator and angel investors
Company: Instabug
Founded: 2013
Based: Egypt, Cairo
Sector: IT
Employees: 100
Stage: Series A
Investors: Flat6Labs, Accel, Y Combinator and angel investors
Company: Instabug
Founded: 2013
Based: Egypt, Cairo
Sector: IT
Employees: 100
Stage: Series A
Investors: Flat6Labs, Accel, Y Combinator and angel investors
Company: Instabug
Founded: 2013
Based: Egypt, Cairo
Sector: IT
Employees: 100
Stage: Series A
Investors: Flat6Labs, Accel, Y Combinator and angel investors
Company: Instabug
Founded: 2013
Based: Egypt, Cairo
Sector: IT
Employees: 100
Stage: Series A
Investors: Flat6Labs, Accel, Y Combinator and angel investors
Company: Instabug
Founded: 2013
Based: Egypt, Cairo
Sector: IT
Employees: 100
Stage: Series A
Investors: Flat6Labs, Accel, Y Combinator and angel investors
Company: Instabug
Founded: 2013
Based: Egypt, Cairo
Sector: IT
Employees: 100
Stage: Series A
Investors: Flat6Labs, Accel, Y Combinator and angel investors
Company: Instabug
Founded: 2013
Based: Egypt, Cairo
Sector: IT
Employees: 100
Stage: Series A
Investors: Flat6Labs, Accel, Y Combinator and angel investors
Company: Instabug
Founded: 2013
Based: Egypt, Cairo
Sector: IT
Employees: 100
Stage: Series A
Investors: Flat6Labs, Accel, Y Combinator and angel investors
Company: Instabug
Founded: 2013
Based: Egypt, Cairo
Sector: IT
Employees: 100
Stage: Series A
Investors: Flat6Labs, Accel, Y Combinator and angel investors
Favourite piece of music: Verdi’s Requiem. It’s awe-inspiring.
Biggest inspiration: My father, as I grew up in a house where music was constantly played on a wind-up gramophone. I had amazing music teachers in primary and secondary school who inspired me to take my music further. They encouraged me to take up music as a profession and I follow in their footsteps, encouraging others to do the same.
Favourite book: Ian McEwan’s Atonement – the ending alone knocked me for six.
Favourite holiday destination: Italy – music and opera is so much part of the life there. Je l’aime.
Favourite piece of music: Verdi’s Requiem. It’s awe-inspiring.
Biggest inspiration: My father, as I grew up in a house where music was constantly played on a wind-up gramophone. I had amazing music teachers in primary and secondary school who inspired me to take my music further. They encouraged me to take up music as a profession and I follow in their footsteps, encouraging others to do the same.
Favourite book: Ian McEwan’s Atonement – the ending alone knocked me for six.
Favourite holiday destination: Italy – music and opera is so much part of the life there. Je l’aime.
Favourite piece of music: Verdi’s Requiem. It’s awe-inspiring.
Biggest inspiration: My father, as I grew up in a house where music was constantly played on a wind-up gramophone. I had amazing music teachers in primary and secondary school who inspired me to take my music further. They encouraged me to take up music as a profession and I follow in their footsteps, encouraging others to do the same.
Favourite book: Ian McEwan’s Atonement – the ending alone knocked me for six.
Favourite holiday destination: Italy – music and opera is so much part of the life there. Je l’aime.
Favourite piece of music: Verdi’s Requiem. It’s awe-inspiring.
Biggest inspiration: My father, as I grew up in a house where music was constantly played on a wind-up gramophone. I had amazing music teachers in primary and secondary school who inspired me to take my music further. They encouraged me to take up music as a profession and I follow in their footsteps, encouraging others to do the same.
Favourite book: Ian McEwan’s Atonement – the ending alone knocked me for six.
Favourite holiday destination: Italy – music and opera is so much part of the life there. Je l’aime.
Favourite piece of music: Verdi’s Requiem. It’s awe-inspiring.
Biggest inspiration: My father, as I grew up in a house where music was constantly played on a wind-up gramophone. I had amazing music teachers in primary and secondary school who inspired me to take my music further. They encouraged me to take up music as a profession and I follow in their footsteps, encouraging others to do the same.
Favourite book: Ian McEwan’s Atonement – the ending alone knocked me for six.
Favourite holiday destination: Italy – music and opera is so much part of the life there. Je l’aime.
Favourite piece of music: Verdi’s Requiem. It’s awe-inspiring.
Biggest inspiration: My father, as I grew up in a house where music was constantly played on a wind-up gramophone. I had amazing music teachers in primary and secondary school who inspired me to take my music further. They encouraged me to take up music as a profession and I follow in their footsteps, encouraging others to do the same.
Favourite book: Ian McEwan’s Atonement – the ending alone knocked me for six.
Favourite holiday destination: Italy – music and opera is so much part of the life there. Je l’aime.
Favourite piece of music: Verdi’s Requiem. It’s awe-inspiring.
Biggest inspiration: My father, as I grew up in a house where music was constantly played on a wind-up gramophone. I had amazing music teachers in primary and secondary school who inspired me to take my music further. They encouraged me to take up music as a profession and I follow in their footsteps, encouraging others to do the same.
Favourite book: Ian McEwan’s Atonement – the ending alone knocked me for six.
Favourite holiday destination: Italy – music and opera is so much part of the life there. Je l’aime.
Favourite piece of music: Verdi’s Requiem. It’s awe-inspiring.
Biggest inspiration: My father, as I grew up in a house where music was constantly played on a wind-up gramophone. I had amazing music teachers in primary and secondary school who inspired me to take my music further. They encouraged me to take up music as a profession and I follow in their footsteps, encouraging others to do the same.
Favourite book: Ian McEwan’s Atonement – the ending alone knocked me for six.
Favourite holiday destination: Italy – music and opera is so much part of the life there. Je l’aime.
Favourite piece of music: Verdi’s Requiem. It’s awe-inspiring.
Biggest inspiration: My father, as I grew up in a house where music was constantly played on a wind-up gramophone. I had amazing music teachers in primary and secondary school who inspired me to take my music further. They encouraged me to take up music as a profession and I follow in their footsteps, encouraging others to do the same.
Favourite book: Ian McEwan’s Atonement – the ending alone knocked me for six.
Favourite holiday destination: Italy – music and opera is so much part of the life there. Je l’aime.
Favourite piece of music: Verdi’s Requiem. It’s awe-inspiring.
Biggest inspiration: My father, as I grew up in a house where music was constantly played on a wind-up gramophone. I had amazing music teachers in primary and secondary school who inspired me to take my music further. They encouraged me to take up music as a profession and I follow in their footsteps, encouraging others to do the same.
Favourite book: Ian McEwan’s Atonement – the ending alone knocked me for six.
Favourite holiday destination: Italy – music and opera is so much part of the life there. Je l’aime.
Favourite piece of music: Verdi’s Requiem. It’s awe-inspiring.
Biggest inspiration: My father, as I grew up in a house where music was constantly played on a wind-up gramophone. I had amazing music teachers in primary and secondary school who inspired me to take my music further. They encouraged me to take up music as a profession and I follow in their footsteps, encouraging others to do the same.
Favourite book: Ian McEwan’s Atonement – the ending alone knocked me for six.
Favourite holiday destination: Italy – music and opera is so much part of the life there. Je l’aime.
Favourite piece of music: Verdi’s Requiem. It’s awe-inspiring.
Biggest inspiration: My father, as I grew up in a house where music was constantly played on a wind-up gramophone. I had amazing music teachers in primary and secondary school who inspired me to take my music further. They encouraged me to take up music as a profession and I follow in their footsteps, encouraging others to do the same.
Favourite book: Ian McEwan’s Atonement – the ending alone knocked me for six.
Favourite holiday destination: Italy – music and opera is so much part of the life there. Je l’aime.
Favourite piece of music: Verdi’s Requiem. It’s awe-inspiring.
Biggest inspiration: My father, as I grew up in a house where music was constantly played on a wind-up gramophone. I had amazing music teachers in primary and secondary school who inspired me to take my music further. They encouraged me to take up music as a profession and I follow in their footsteps, encouraging others to do the same.
Favourite book: Ian McEwan’s Atonement – the ending alone knocked me for six.
Favourite holiday destination: Italy – music and opera is so much part of the life there. Je l’aime.
Favourite piece of music: Verdi’s Requiem. It’s awe-inspiring.
Biggest inspiration: My father, as I grew up in a house where music was constantly played on a wind-up gramophone. I had amazing music teachers in primary and secondary school who inspired me to take my music further. They encouraged me to take up music as a profession and I follow in their footsteps, encouraging others to do the same.
Favourite book: Ian McEwan’s Atonement – the ending alone knocked me for six.
Favourite holiday destination: Italy – music and opera is so much part of the life there. Je l’aime.
Favourite piece of music: Verdi’s Requiem. It’s awe-inspiring.
Biggest inspiration: My father, as I grew up in a house where music was constantly played on a wind-up gramophone. I had amazing music teachers in primary and secondary school who inspired me to take my music further. They encouraged me to take up music as a profession and I follow in their footsteps, encouraging others to do the same.
Favourite book: Ian McEwan’s Atonement – the ending alone knocked me for six.
Favourite holiday destination: Italy – music and opera is so much part of the life there. Je l’aime.
Favourite piece of music: Verdi’s Requiem. It’s awe-inspiring.
Biggest inspiration: My father, as I grew up in a house where music was constantly played on a wind-up gramophone. I had amazing music teachers in primary and secondary school who inspired me to take my music further. They encouraged me to take up music as a profession and I follow in their footsteps, encouraging others to do the same.
Favourite book: Ian McEwan’s Atonement – the ending alone knocked me for six.
Favourite holiday destination: Italy – music and opera is so much part of the life there. Je l’aime.